Wednesday, December 19, 2012

God Is My Real Father

By Teacher Suksun

[I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, "You are my Son, today I have begotten You."] (Psa. 2:7)
The son who you personally begot is your real son. Just because you take someone else's child and draw up documents to make him your son does not mean that he is your real son. Even if you drew up enough documents to make several books out of them, he would only be your son on record; you would not be able to use the word real. Therefore, there is a father who is merely one in writing and then there is the real father. However, a son can only call someone who personally begot him his "Real Father." So when we say that God is our [real Father] (John 5:18), we are saying that God actually begot us through His body. Let us take a detailed look into the fact that God has personally begotten us through His body.

Man's Genealogy
Let us look into our genealogy to see whose children we are.
[Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, the son of Heli, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi...the son of Noah, the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Cainan, the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.] (Luke 3:23-38)
 In other words, "Jesus' father is Joseph, his father is Heli, his father is Matthat, his father is Levi...his father is Noah, his father is Lamech, his father is Methuselah, his father is Enoch, his father is Jared, his father is Mahalalel, his father is Cainan, his father is Enos, his father is Seth, his father is Adam, his Father is God." Thus, God is our real Father.
To say it in a different way, "Jesus was begotten by Joseph (Mary), who was begotten by Heli, who was begotten by Matthat, who was begotten by Levi...who was begotten by Noah, who was begotten by Lamech, who was begotten by Methuselah, who was begotten by Enoch, who was begotten by Jared, who was begotten by Mahalalel, who was begotten by Cainan, who was begotten by Enos, who was begotten by Seth, who was begotten by Adam, who was begotten by God." Therefore, God, our heavenly Father, is our real Father who begot us.
If we trace our genealogy, we can clearly see that God is our real Father who begot us. If God is not our real Father and He did not beget us, then where did we come from? We have multiplied because someone obviously begot us. Therefore, God of heaven is our real Father who personally begot mankind.
If that is the case, some may ask in return, "In Genesis chapter 1, verse 26, God said, [Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.] How can you claim that God personally begot us?" However, my answer is nevertheless the same--God of heaven is clearly our real Father who personally begot us through His body.
If we were worthless handicrafts God formed out of dirt in the beginning, just as the world knows, would all three Gods have arisen and gone so far as to sacrifice Their lives to search for such worthless handicrafts?
Would there even be a mortal king in this world who would forsake his throne and lay down his life to search for a handicraft he made out of clay or wood? The reason why the three Gods sacrificed Themselves so greatly and died to save us is that we are the real children God personally begot. Therefore, if we do not understand the relationship our Real Father has with His real children, there is no way to interpret the Bible correctly. We become ignorant people who do not know our own roots or ancestry, who, in the end, are deceived into believing the foolish theory of evolution, thereby becoming monkeys just like those who claim that monkeys are our ancestors. It is truly lamentable and regrettable that God's noble and holy real children, heavenly princes and princesses, pitifully say that they are the offspring of monkeys without realizing how disgraceful it is.

The Various Ways of Giving Birth to Offspring
Let me now prove that God is not One who made us with His hands, but our real Father who has actually begotten us through His body.
There are countless galaxies in our universe. The longitudinal diameter of the galactic system (the Milky Way) we live in is approximately 15,000 light years (light travels seven and a half times around the earth in one second) and the transversal diameter is approximately 100,000 light years. Even if humans were to journey for tens of thousands of generations, we would not be able to travel this distance. Scientists have counted billions of stars in our galaxy and billions of large galaxies like ours in the universe. Even then, this is just a rough estimate by scientists. For all we know, there could be much more. The universe is indeed huge and vast. In contrast, the earth is nothing more than a grain of sand and what squirms around in it as if mold is people.
Compared to the universe, this tiny earth is nothing more than a grain of sand. Yet, there are so many different kinds of animals living on it. Let us take the time to look into how they bring forth their offspring (young) and how they raise them.
Animals such as cows or deer bring forth young that bear a striking resemblance to them in form and appearance. Winged animals such as sparrows or pigeons also bring forth young (offspring) that bear a striking resemblance to them in form and appearance. However, we should realize that they each deliver their young in a different way. Hoofed animals like cows or deer, deliver their young from their bodies. From the womb, the mother delivers its young through the female reproductive organ and then feeds white fluid from sacks on the mother's stomach. We call this white fluid milk. However, winged animals, like sparrows, pigeons, or chickens deliver and raise their young in a completely different way. As you man know, they deliver their young from their bodies, but not from the womb and reproductive organ. Round, stony eggs that do not have eyes, ears, or even a mouth are produced in the ovary and laid from the anus. The mother then takes the eggs and broods them for many days. Finally, when the appointed number of days have passed, the chicks hatch bearing a striking resemblance to their mother and father in form and appearance. Once they hatch, they do not feed on their mother's milk. Instead, they directly eat the insects and coarse grain their mother and father eat. Even within the animal kingdom of this small world, though they may live together on this earth, we can see that a great, incomprehensible and unimaginable difference exists between the way four-legged animals give birth to their young and the way winged animals bring forth and raise their young. However, the results are the same. In the end, they both have lovely offspring that bear a striking resemblance to them in features, temperament, and bodily form. The difference is how they bring forth their young and raise them.
Likewise, the way man, a created being with a physical body, delivers children is completely different from the way our heavenly Father, the Creator who is [spirit] (John 4:24) and does not have a physical body, begets children. Human beings, created beings with physical bodies, deliver their children in nearly the same way as animals, which also have physical bodies. They deliver their children through wombs in their bodies. However, because God the Creator is spirit and has no physical body, He delivers His children in His way--through the Creator's spiritual womb. The Creator has children by delivering them through His womb. This may seem difficult to understand at first. Just as birds cannot understand how hoofed animals, like cows or deer, bring forth and raise their young, it may be difficult for man--creatures with physical bodies--to understand how our heavenly Father, the Creator who is "spirit," has children.
Nevertheless, when we think it over again, it is something anyone can easily understand. When people have children, the child is born after spending ten months in his mother's womb, and then nourished on liquid from a sack on the mother's bosom, just like the four-legged animals on this earth. However, in the beginning, our heavenly Father delivered Adam through the Creator's spiritual womb. Then, just as birds do not feed their young milk, but nourish them personally with coarse food, our Father, the God who is spirit and flies, also personally fed His newly begotten son Adam coarse food instead of mother's milk. He fed them fruit from the Tree of Life and all the different fruits and seed-yielding vegetables in Eden. Though the way birds give birth to their young is completely different from the way animals give birth to their young, in the end, they both have young bearing a striking resemblance to them. Likewise, though the way human beings with physical bodies have children is completely different from the way our heavenly Father, the Creator who is "spirit," has children, in the end, both have children bearing a striking resemblance to them. God said, "[Let Us...] beget [ in Our image, after Our likeness,] through the Creator's womb." Afterwards, He said, "[You are My Son, today I have begotten You.]" (Gen. 1:27, Psa. 2:7)
Birds mock four-legged animals because they cannot understand the way four-legged animals bring forth their young and four-legged animals mock birds because they cannot understand how birds have their young by laying stony eggs that do not have eyes, noses, or mouths. Likewise, people only think about their physical bodies and refuse to acknowledge or even try to understand how the heavenly Father, the Creator who does not have a physical body, begets His children. Some people laugh at Him instead. That is why He sadly says, "[You thought that I was one like yourself.]" (Psa. 50:21, RSV)
However, Jesus clearly told us, "[Do not call anyone on earth your father, for one is your Father, who has begotten you personally, who is in heaven.]" (Mat. 23:9) Even Malachi, who knew this fact, asked in return, "[Have we not all one Father?]" (Mal 2:10) Jesus again told us, "[Pray then like this: 'Our Father which art in heaven...] (Mat. 6:9, RSV) and from now on, call Him [your own (real) Father.]" (John 5:18) While Jesus was on this earth, He called God His [own (real) Father.] [Therefore, the Jews sought all the more to kill Him.] (John 5:18) They hated Jesus and were jealous of Him, and eventually killed God's real Son because of that. Likewise, it was prophesied that in these last days also, those who have not accepted God as their real Father will be jealous of God's real children--those who have accepted Him as their real Father--hate them, and persecute them. "But when the vinedressers saw the son, they said among themselves, 'This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance.'" (Mat. 21:38) It was Satan, the god of this world, and not the Jews who said this. He had been cast out of heaven and the universe, and he was about to take over this little earth as his eternal stronghold (kingdom). Then the heirs to this earth, God's real sons, appeared, and so Satan said, "Let us kill them and 'seize (their) inheritance (the earth).'"
But even today, by saying, "[Go to My brethren and say to them, 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your God,'] (John 20:17) Jesus, God's real Son, makes it clear once again that we are God's real sons and daughters like Him and eternal heirs to this earth as equal brethren.

Our Real Father Who Begot Us through His Body
Let me present another plain fact as evidence. When God created the heavens and earth in the beginning, did He make the sun, the earth, the moon and the stars by pressing mud into large lumps with His hands, as children in the winter make a snowman out of snow they press into lumps? Of course, He did not. When God made the sun, the earth, and the moon, He merely created them by command and did not even touch them with the tip of His finger. In addition, when He made all the different species of animals, every kind of bird and running animal, and all the countless numbers of creatures in the ocean, did He make them by kneading mud and shaping each one of them with His hands? Of course, He did not. He merely created them by command and did not even touch them with the tip of His finger. Therefore, we should keep the following fact in our minds and never forget it: when God created the celestial bodies and the numerous animals, He never touched them with His divine body or even with the tip of His finger. He merely created them by command. However, when it came to man, though remarkably smaller than a star, the moon, an elephant, or even a cow, God touched him with His fingers and divine body when He created him.
God Jehovah created everything else with His words, without even drawing His divine body close to them. However, when He begot man, He carefully, lovingly, and devotedly took the best dirt and made him beautifully with His own hands, according to His image. These days, degenerated human beings that do not even live a hundred years can make carvings that look just like living animals. Since the almighty God made man from dirt to resemble Himself perfectly, how beautifully and perfectly He must have made Adam!
Just as we cannot give birth to spiritual children since we have physical bodies, God is Spirit; He does not have a physical body so He cannot beget physical children. Therefore, [Jehovah Jireh], (Gen. 22:14, KJV)--[God ...(provided) for Himself...] (Gen. 22:8) a body for His child. Even then, He placed His hands on Adam, and with His body against him, passed His hands over Adam's entire body, from his head, to his body, and all the way down to his toes. God was quite happy afterwards. Adam was so lovely and cute that He embraced him one more time. Then after pressing His lips against Adam's, He [breathed into his nostrils the breath...] (Gen. 2:7) of immortal life that was within Him. His son (Adam) opened his eyes, smiled, and after saying, "Daddy," stood up.”Then, God said, ["You are My Son, today I have begotten You,"] (Psa. 2:7) and hugged him very tightly.
This was a great historical event for the universe--the glorious, great event of God personally begetting His child through His body. Oh, how wonderful it would be if we all knew how truly noble our bodies are! As soon as we were born on this earth, the first bosom we were embraced in was our heavenly Father's, the first face our eyes beheld was our heavenly Father's, the first lips we lovingly kissed were our heavenly Real Father's, and the very first cheeks our cheeks rubbed against were our heavenly Daddy's. That is why He says, "And to the saints who are on the earth, they are the excellent ones (heavenly princes and princesses), in whom is all My (the great King of the universe's) delight." (Ps. 16:3) Therefore, our conduct and manners should be noble and sacred. We should never use our bodies or hearts as foul tools of sin.

[And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.] (Gen. 2:7)
This "living being," spirit, is God's entity and His life, which only He possesses and only He can impart. [The Lord God...] formed and made [ of the dust of the ground...], held his loving son Adam who bore a striking resemblance to Him in His arms, embraced him, and pressing His lips against Adam's, [breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.] In other words, Genesis chapter 2, verse 7 means, "A god with a physical body was born."
All the tens of thousands of animals were merely created by a command from the lips of the Creator God. However, with man, it was different--his body came in direct contact with God's divine body. In other words, he was derived from God's body. The life man possesses is also different from the life animals possess; man possesses an immortal life derived from God's body. Therefore, it is a big mistake to think that the bodies of man and animals are same just because both have physical structures composing of blood, flesh, and bones. The bodies of animals are flesh; they were not derived from God's divine body. Only man touched God's body. Thus, man possesses a noble divine body that was derived from God's own body. The life man possesses is also different from the one cows, pigs, and dogs possess, since animals were created merely by a command from the lips of God. The life man possesses is God's noble and immortal life, derived from His body. Since both our flesh and life were brought forth from His body as His offshoot, we are His real children. If God had not begotten us with His own body, we could not have been His real children, nor could we have even dared calling Him [our Father in heaven....] (Mat. 6:9) Moreover, He would not have even said, "[You are My Son, today I have begotten You.]" (Psa. 2:7)
Let me prove this with ever more solid facts. Before the mother cow delivers its calf, it merely touches a small part of its mother's womb that is tens of centimeters long. The calf only touches a small part of its mother's body, the wall of her uterus. The delivery does not cause the mother's intestine or kidney to become separated and then discharged out of her body. Her physical structure retains its original form; the calf only touches a small part of its mother's body, her uterus, before birth. Even the offspring (eggs) of birds merely touch the wall of their mother's ovary before she lays them. Just because the eggs are laid does not mean that a part of their mother's physical structure is injured; her physical structure retains its original form. Her offspring merely touch a part of their mother's body before the mother lays her eggs. It is the same for human beings. A child is born after touching the wall of the mother's uterus, which is tens of centimeters long, for ten months. What we should bear in mind here is that whether they are calves, the offspring of a bird, or human babies, if they have "touched a part of the mother's body"--whether it is the uterus, the stomach, or the ovary--before they are born, they are real offspring, offshoots.
We are God's real children, His offshoots--man touched with a part of His body before being begotten in the beginning (Gen. 2:7). While calves, the offspring of a bird, or human babies touch only one part of their mother's body before being born, we came in contact with incomparably many parts of God's divine body. Therefore, we are His most authentic offshoots. Human beings are His perfect offshoots who originate from the body of God. We are His real children and He is our real Father who has personally begotten us through His own body. [Do not call anyone on earth your father, for...] only One originally begot you, your Father [...who is in heaven.] (Mat. 23:9) That is why in the Bible it is written that we are the [offspring] of [God, who made the world and everything in it...Lord of heaven and earth.] (Acts 17:24, 28) This testifies that He has begotten us. He says, "Since you have been begotten by God, Lord of heaven and earth, you are His real children. ['Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect (lives a holy life)'] (Mat. 5:48) so that you may live together with Daddy enjoying immortal, eternal, life in My kingdom, the happy new world."

Blasphemy That Can Never Be Forgiven
Satan, the god of this world, has dug three kinds of pits on this earth and killed all mankind by making sure none of God's children can escape out of them. What are the three pitfalls?
First, he uses atheists to make a trap called atheism. They claim, "There is no God, no Creator. This world and man came into existence spontaneously, and man evolved out of a small organism (an amoeba) or an animal (a monkey). Therefore man is also an animal (beast) that lives for some time and then dies, just like all the other animals." In order to kill everyone with this trap, Satan uses all the educational institutions in the world to spread this false theory of evolution.
If evolutionism is an indisputable fact, we should have heard on the radio or seen on television often, or even occasionally during the thousands of years of mankind's existence, headlines about an amoeba or a monkey that became a human being. However, thousands of years and generation after generation pass and still monkeys give birth to only monkeys. They have never given birth to or even metamorphosed into human beings in the least bit. For generations, human beings also have been giving birth to human beings only. We have never heard of a human being giving birth to or metamorphosing into a monkey. Even by just looking at that one fact, we can see that evolutionism is an absurd, groundless theory, and nothing but a childish, poor sophistry created by the demons in this world to defy God.
 These days, so-called scientists have stood up once again to newly publish that a mouse is the progenitor of the human race. They wrote, "About 99 percent of genes in humans have counterparts in the mouse.... Mice, humans, and many other animals descended from a common ancestor about the size of a small rat from 75 to 125 million years ago." When I read that, I was so astonished that I was left speechless. They had previously insisted that their father is a monkey, since our skull is similar to that of a monkey. Now, they were insisting all over again that a mouse that crawls on the ground, whose skull, heart, or appearance does not even resemble ours, is their father. I cannot understand why they have so many fathers. Anyhow, in a while, there will not be one abominable baby monkey or filthy mouse in the new world. It will only be our heavenly Father's real children, heavenly princes and princesses, who live forever, enjoying everlasting happiness and eternal life in the kingdom of their Father.
The second trap is an atheistic trap set up by theists. Satan has dug this pit through false theologians who claim to be servants of God. They exclaim, "God did exist, but He grew old and passed away." Therefore, according to them, we should regard religion as a way to cultivate our minds, and later die.
If God who created the universe and runs it passed away as they assert, then just as an aircraft drops from the sky and crashes into pieces if its pilot dies in battle or for some other reason, this universe would not have been able to exist until now. The innumerous stars would have already crashed into each other, been destroyed, and disappear without a trace. This theory is likewise childish sophistry created by the demons in this world to blasphemy God. We will never hear such demonic statements in the new world.
The third trap is an atheistic trap set up by creationists. Satan has dug this pit through theologians who supposedly observe the memorial day of creation. They claim, "God created man in the same way He created the animals."”This trap of false theology denies the real-Father-and-son relationship that God begot man. This is the most evil sin among all the three traps and is a blasphemy that can never be forgiven.
If God created man in the same way He created the cow, pig, or dog as they claim, then God also has to be the Father of the cow, pig, and dog. If He created them in the same way, why should He only be the Father of the human race? He ought to be the Father of the cow, pig, and dog. Therefore, those who claim that God created man in the same way He created the cows, pigs, and dogs are denying the real Father and son relationship and uttering an eternally unforgivable blasphemy against God by reducing the lofty and holy God to the Father of cows, pigs, and dogs. I hope you will realize this fact and be careful not to join those who commit the sin of uttering such blasphemy against God. I hope you accept Real Father, heavenly Real Daddy, as your personal Father and become His real children who live happily in His house together with Him eternally.
Once again, though cows, pigs, dogs, and humans all breathe, you should never treat the life each possess as being the same. God created cows, pigs and dogs by the words from His lips. Their life is worthless and vain, one that will vanish like the wind. However, our flesh and souls are from God; the life we possess is an eternal life, the immortal life that has been in our heavenly Daddy's body since eternal ages ago--God's holy life that entered the body of man through His lips. That is why Real Daddy personally came to us and confirmed our identity by saying, ["You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High (the great King of the universe)."] (Psa. 82:6)
We should shout out loudly and sing about how noble we are as God's real sons and daughters. You do not know how many places there are in the Bible where God has said,“"My son."”I hope you will never forget this. This is what qualifies us to be heirs to the immortal, new world and what gives us the authority to live justifiably with our heavenly Father in one house as His real children. I hope you will be grateful for this fact and as God's real children, become His most favored heavenly princes and princesses who enjoy eternal life, liberty, and happiness.

The heavens and earth, the ocean and creation, and all the inhabitants in the entire universe stand up to joyfully dance at such happy news. Yet, many times I faced opposition and obstruction while spreading this joyful news that reunites the dispersed members of our universal family. Let me tell you about two interesting incidents.
I was once invited to speak in Gangwon Province. One day during the seminar, fourteen pastors and elders from a certain Sabbath-observing church barged in. I was in the lecture hall at that time. As soon as they sat down, they called for me, the speaker, to come into the room. There was no way this noble real son of God would have gone just because they were calling for me. I first asked Real Daddy what to do. When I asked, "Daddy, should I go, or not?" He gave me the words, ["Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.] (Exo. 4:12) [Have I not sent you? Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat as one man,"] (Judg. 6:14, 16) and I proceeded to the room immediately.
They had even called for the couple who owned the house we were using, and so there were sixteen people crowded in the room. After I opened the door and entered the room, they asked me to sit in the center of the room. What the pastors among them said were so base there was no way I could associate with them, and so I kept silent. Then, the most knowledgeable among them said, "Then, why don't you talk with me."
"Go ahead."
"Teacher Park, are you claiming that God begot man through His womb?"
"If not, did God create man in the same way He created the cows, pigs, or dogs?"
"Of course, how else?"
I replied, "Then, God should also be the Father of cows, pigs, and dogs. If God created man in the same way He created the cows, pigs, and dogs, then why should He only be the Father of the human race? Should He not be the Father of cows and the Father of pigs and dogs, as well? This is an eternally unforgivable blasphemy against God, reducing the holy God to the Father of cows, pigs, and dogs." This one line quieted the fourteen pastors and elders as if their mouths had been locked. The elated look they had a while ago when they first came disappeared, and in the end they all ran away dispirited. Just like our Father's words, I defeated them as one man.
On another occasion, at a seminar I was holding in Seoul, a pastor whose nickname was the "Walking Bible" criticized me saying, "The Bible says that God adopted us. Where does it say He begot us?" There is a verse in the Bible that says we¡"received the Spirit of adoption." (Rom. 8:15) What does this mean?
God once commanded His beautiful, good, and obedient son Hosea, "Do not marry a pure virgin. Marry that filthy harlot, Gomer."”He even obeyed those words. Hosea, a good husband, brought the harlot home and told her, "I will only love you. Bury your past only love me from now on." She was good for several months, and her husband loved her. Soon afterwards, she returned to her procurer and became a harlot again. Then, Hosea took sacks of barley and money with him to implore her procurer to sell her back to him. Because she had already handed herself over to her procurer, Hosea had to pay him sacks of barley in order to buy her back even though she was clearly his wife.
In the same way, though our Real Father originally begot us, we were turned over to Satan the devil after we sinned, so our Father had to buy us back with the atoning blood of His Son. It is in that sense that we were adopted. As the facts plainly reveal, it was not the demon or an animal that gave birth to God's real children. We are God's real sons and daughters whom our heavenly Father personally begot from His body from the very beginning. Moreover, the word "adoption"¡in the book of Romans implies "a child that God has begotten and raised." He is saying, [For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption (real children raised by Real Daddy) by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."] (Rom. 8:15)

Even though the Bible uses the word "create" for man and beast, the connotation is completely different for each. For animals, create means, "make," but for man, it means, "delivered, gave birth to." Just as we say a baby is formed in the mother's womb, the word formed connotes "created." When I spoke about God's "womb," I was not stating that God, who is merely spirit and has no physical body, has a womb as human beings do. I used the word womb to express the method and process by which God, who is spirit, gave birth to us. In other words, the ovary in a bird is its womb, the reproductive organ in a cow is its womb, the uterus in a woman is her womb, and the process by which God begot us is His womb.
That is why our heavenly Father even today says to us, ["You are My Son, today I have begotten You."] (Psa. 2:7)
He does not say, "You are My monkey," "You are My pig," or "You are My puppy." He clearly says, ["You are My Son, today I have begotten You."] (Psa. 2:7) Those who accept these unmistakable words to be a fact after reading them will be born again at this very moment as God's real sons and daughters through the womb of Jehovah, the Lord of hosts. At the same time, they will become heirs to this world and to the new world. They will also receive the authority that God granted in the beginning-- [Let Us make (beget) man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion...over all the earth, and over every creeping thing....] (Gen. 2:26, 28) His real children would live as heirs who conquer and have dominion over this earth and the universe. Until now, Satan, the god of this world, and his mediums deceived us and dragged us around as his servants, his monkeys. Now that we have regained our identity and rights as God's real children, we will rule the entire world and the universe as majestic owners and kings of all the nations.

No Matter How We Look at It, He Is Without a Doubt Our Real Father
Whether we debate over it or investigate into the relationship between our heavenly Father and us by tracing back the family line of the human race, He is our real Father whom we are related to by blood. God gave birth to man (Adam), and man (Mary) gave birth to God, Jesus. Let me ask you a question. Which pet are you closest with and do you love the most in your house? The majority of you will answer a puppy (dog). That is completely true. People love dogs the most. They eat the leftovers from our table and live under the same roof as us. However, just because dogs are our "best friends," is it possible for a human being to have a relationship with a dog and give birth to puppy and for a dog to give birth to a child? You may think this is a very insulting and humiliating question. However, if that is the case, how can the lofty and holy God and lowly man form an inseparable relationship? How can God give birth to a human being (Adam) and a human being (Mary) give birth to God (Jesus)? The plain fact is that both God and man belong to the same heavenly clan; that is why there is such a relationship. It is because we are all royalty of heaven (1 Pet. 2:9) that we have such an inseparable relationship.
[To the saints who are on the earth, "They are...My (sons) whom (are) all my delight."] (Psa. 16:3, 2:7) [I said, "You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High. But why will you...die like men (offspring of the monkey), and fall like one of the princes"]? ["You are My Son, today I have begotten You."] (Psa. 82:6, 2:7)
Therefore, by looking at our genealogy--the fact that God personally begot us, inquiring into our relation by blood, or looking at the fact that we bear a striking resemblance to God, we are undoubtedly heavenly Real Father's beloved real children, princes and princesses of the heavenly King based on all these clear facts. Oh, what a glorious identity and body we have! Therefore, if the people living on this earth believe these words and receive Real Daddy as their personal Daddy, not only will they live with Him in the same house eternally, but they will also become immortal Gods, happy universal prince and princess Gods.

Definite Answers to Contradictions
Quoting Genesis chapter 2, verse 7, [The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,]¡you (Suk Sun) claim that only man was personally formed with God's body, but in Genesis chapter 1, verse 19, it is written, [Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air....] God did not only personally form man, but also animals. Therefore, your claim is wrong.
Genesis chapter 2, verse 19 does not say that God shaped the beasts and birds from the dirt with His own hands. It is rather stating that God commanded all the running animals and birds to be created from the dirt. This does not mean that He formed them personally. When did God dig up dirt and personally make the countless species of birds and animals? If God had created the cows, pigs, dogs, and birds in the same way He made man, should it have not said that as He breathed into the nostrils of the dog or pig they became [living beings]¹(Gen. 2:7)? However, that makes absolutely no sense. God used His body to personally form only His human children on earth and by placing His lips on theirs, breathed into them the immortal life that was within Him. Once again, Genesis chapter 2, verse 19 states that God commanded every beast of the field and every bird of the air to be created from the dirt.

Quoting Psalms chapter 2, verse 7, [You are My Son, today I have begotten You,]¡you claim that God has personally begotten man.¹However, Psalms chapter 2, verse 7 is not referring to man but to Jesus, as seen in Acts chapter 13, verse 33. He was never referring to us. Therefore, your claim is mistaken.
Of course, Psalms chapter 2, verse 7 was referring to Jesus, as written in Acts chapter 13, verse 33. I am neither denying it nor ignorant of that fact. Psalms chapter 2, verse 7 refers to Jesus and at the same time, us as well. If we merely cite Acts chapter 13, verse 33 and say that Psalms chapter 2, verse 7 does not apply to us, then we should all discard the Bible. It is useless since God spoke the words recorded in the Bible only to Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus, and David, and not to us. Of course, this is not true. Our Father spoke all the words in the Bible to each one of us through the lips of the apostles and prophets. If God spoke the words only to Jesus or David, He should have just told it to them and not given us the Bible. Why were they all recorded in the Bible and then given to each one of us? Our Daddy spoke all the words in the Bible to Jesus and the prophets, and at the same time, to each one of us, His children.
Those who still insist that Psalms chapter 2, verse 7 was spoken only to Jesus are complete liars. When did God beget Jesus? Mary gave birth to Jesus. Did they see God giving birth to Jesus?
From now on, let us never argue over something so unreasonable. Since we all have descended from the same Father and have become real brethren, let us not grieve our Father by fighting with one another. Let us live together in harmony, understanding, forgiving, and loving one another. Our heavenly Father, the real Father of mankind, spoke the words in Psalms chapter 2, verse 7 to Jesus and to all of us. Therefore, our Father did not use the singular form, speaking only to Jesus, but used the plural form, speaking to all His children. [I (God) said, "You are gods and all of you are the children of the Most High (God)."] ["I have begotten you (plural)."] (Psa. 82:6, 2:7) He used the words, "gods," "all of you,"¡and "children of the Most High." He clearly stated repeatedly that we are all His sons.
From now on, I hope you will call God, "Real Father," "Real Daddy," or "my Daddy." The demon, our false father, dragged around and intoxicated mankind with poisons, false doctrines, for thousands of years. He brainwashed us with the false education of this world, hardening our brains like concrete. In order to free ourselves quickly from that false idea, we should call God, "Real Daddy" or "Real Father." However, that does not mean that calling Him that will save us. Although it does not matter whether you call Him "Daddy" or "Father," I am advising you to call Him "Daddy" or¡"Real Daddy"--as the Bible has asked us to--so that you may quickly free yourself from Satan's (the god of this world) brainwashing that God made us just like the other animals.
My dear brothers and sisters! Let us not feebly pray, "God, our Father in heaven," or "God in heaven," in the same formal way we did when we did not know the¸[true God,] our Real Father. From now on, let us instead offer happy, powerful prayers befitting His real children, prayers that reach deep into His heart, by saying, "Our Father in heaven!" (Mat. 6:9), "My Father in heaven!" (Mat. 26:39), "My real Father in heaven!" (John 5:18), "My Daddy in heaven! (Gal. 4:6, Korean Common Translation Bible), or "My Real Daddy in heaven!" Let us never again pray to Him as if we are foster sons and foster daughters or stepsons and stepdaughters who call upon a fearful, estranged stepfather. I hope that from now on you will raise your shoulders and act like dignified real sons and real daughters of the living God, the great King of the universe. If even the real sons and daughters of the kings and Presidents of this world behave with dignity and enjoy grand privileges, how much more should we, as royal princes and princesses, children of our heavenly Father who is the great King of the universe, the King of kings and Lord of lords!
Therefore, the fact that our Father, the only true God, is "our real Father who has begotten and raised us" has been clearly brought to light. However, if there are any brethren who are still ashamed of this fact in front of people and the world, please listen to God's words-- [I say to you, whoever who confesses Me before men...(I) also will confess before the angels of God. But he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God.] (Luke 12:8, 9)
Long ago in a rural community, a certain father, deploring his life as a farmer, decided, "I must provide my son with a college education so that at least he will have an easy life." It may be easy to pay for your son's college tuition if you are running a business in the city or working for the government, but it is very difficult when you are a rice farmer. In order to send his son to college, this father lived on such a tight budget that he did not have enough money for his own food or clothing. In the end, through his father's sacrifice and service, this son was able to graduate from college and work at the county office.
One day during summer, the county chief visited his house. While the county chief was having a drink with this son in the living room, his father walked in. He looked shabby, with mud all over his face and his clothes since he had been working in the rice paddy that day. "Who is that man?" the county chief asked. This son thought, "I've graduated from college. How embarrassing it will be to tell him he is my father." Although he felt uneasy, he replied, "He is our farmhand." His father had sacrificed so much for him out of love, and now this son had called him a farmhand (servant, slave).
Upon returning to his office, the county chief found out the truth and called the son to his office. After yelling, "You rascal! How on earth can your father, who went through so much to raise you, be a farmhand?" he fired him immediately. We should not be ungrateful children, like that son, but be filial sons and daughters who openly shout aloud, "God is my real Father," to the entire world. Since we know that no matter how we look at it God is our real Father who begot us and restored our power as His real children, we should cry out joyfully. We should openly boast, "He is my real Father who has begotten me and loves me the most!" This is very happy news, the greatest news in the universe. The whole world and the entire universe should stand up, dance in joy, and sing about it for eternity. I hope you will not forget that eternal life¡is given only to those children who [know] and rejoice over the fact that the [only true God] is their real Father. (John 17:3)
Even in this world, there are fathers with adopted sons and daughters and/or stepsons and stepdaughters. If you visit an orphanage, there are hundreds of children, the director's "sons" and "daughters." They all call him (her), "father (mother)." However, we know very well that not all of them will carry on the family name, possess the heirship, and inherit the estate--only his (her) real sons and daughters whom he (she) has personally begotten. [Nevertheless, what does the Scripture say? "Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the (real) son of the freewoman. So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but (real children) of the free."]¡(Gal. 4:30, 31)
"'And a slave does not abide in the (heavenly Father's) house forever, but a (real) son abides forever.'" (John 8:35) A slave will never receive salvation. We should be thankful we did not become slaves. Those who mistakenly thought they were slaves should take off their yoke of bondage permanently and live as His dignified real sons and daughters, enjoying the rights and liberty of heavenly princes and princesses. A slave neither receives an inheritance nor possesses the right to live with the father. Then, why did the Bible call both Apostle Paul and Jesus a servant? Though they were called servants, it did not mean that they were a servant or a slave as people commonly think. Rather, it meant, "a man with a mission," "a son who runs an errand."
In the Bible, a "servant" is not someone who is "a slave of God," but "someone who runs an errand, a person with a mission," in other words, a son who has been entrusted with a mission from His Father. We should become sons and not slaves.
A long time ago, communist spies from North Korea hijacked a Korean Airlines jetliner to the North. After hijacking the jetliner, they took away all the passengers' personal belongings and everything that was of value, and later only released the passengers. South Korea was glad just to have the passengers released. Their families were so happy to see them that they ran over to them, hugged them, and comforted them. However, there was a reporter, a handsome young man, who stood staring at his father as if he did not recognize him. No matter how much his father pleaded with him, "Son, please say, 'Father,' just once," he would not. Even though His mother also begged of him, "My son, I'm your mother. Please say, 'Mother,'" He would not reply at all. The communists had either tortured him with electricity or struck him on the head with something. Either way, he had returned completely deranged. Undoubtedly he was their son, but his mind had not been returned with him.
Our heavenly Father too has redeemed our beautiful faces and bodies in this hour. Yet, how distressed He would be if we did not return to Him in our hearts and call Him, "Real Daddy"! Let us joyfully go out to our real Father whom we have met for the first time in thousands of years and call Him "Daddy," and say, "Daddy, I'm here."”(John 5:18, Gal. 4:6, Korean Common Translation Bible) Our Father does not want money, worship, or anything else from us. Just hearing us calling Him, "Real Daddy!" in our hearts will suffice. Then, He will say, "Yes, I'm your real Father who begot you," and embrace us tightly. He will be so happy He will not know what to do.
In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus said, "Our Father in heaven...." Before Jesus came to this earth two thousand years ago, no one in the world had ever offered such a prayer. The Jews, the rabbis, and the priests in Jerusalem prayed in formality, "High and lofty God," or "Almighty God." However, Jesus came and taught His disciples, "Do not pray like that. Instead, pray, 'Our Father in heaven,' or 'My Father.'" For four thousand years, God had become weary of those formal and abominable prayers. When His real children prayed, "Our Father," it is written that it sounded like music to His ears. Though such a large order as the Jews called out day and night, there was no answer to their prayers. However, when Jesus' small group prayed in the upper room, God answered them immediately because they prayed in a way that pleased Him. That was how they were able to receive the amazing, great blessing of the Holy Spirit descending on the Pentecost. Even when we say, "Our Father," it sounds like music to His ears; if His last children call Him "Real Daddy," it will probably sound like a canon to Him. Real Daddy will immediately embrace His youngest children and say, "Yes, ['You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased. You are My Son, today I have begotten you.']" (Luke 3:22, Psa. 2:7) My beloved brothers and sisters, I hope all of you will be able to experience this joyful, touching reunion.
[Therefore, do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.... For yet a little while, and He who is coming will come and will not tarry.] (Heb. 10:35, 37) In just a while, we will hear the most joyful and blessed news from heaven-- [Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom (new world) prepared for you from the foundation of the world.] (Mat. 25:34) I sincerely hope that on that day, we will all meet each other happily as real brothers and sisters, real sons and daughters of our Father, happy heavenly princes and princesses who enjoy immortal life in our Father's Kingdom, the new world for eternity.

My real Father who has begotten me and raised me,
[Doubtless, You are our Father. Though Abraham (long ago) was ignorant of us, and (present-day) Israel does not acknowledge us. You, O Lord, are our (real) Father....] (Isa. 63:16)
Until now, I have wandered for so long without knowing that the great God is my real Father. I endured so much thinking that my father, my ancestor, was a monkey. I also wandered thinking that I was just a worthless handicraft the fearful God, the almighty God who rules the universe, made out of dirt--a worthless human-animal that had been created in the same way the cows, pigs and dogs were. Now that I have discovered that I was born a royal prince (princess) by the King of the universe, I cannot express how happy and grateful I am.
I render eternal gratitude and praise to my real Daddy and to Your Son, the Intercessor (Matchmaker) who helped me find You.
Real Daddy! Even if I were to die right now, I would have no regrets because I have found You.
Father! My Father! I will never leave Your bosom again so please never let go of me; just embrace me tightly. You do not know how much I wandered after leaving Your bosom, how much I regretted in tears. Oh, my loving Daddy! Please hold my hands tightly and do not let go until I reach Your eternal home. I render eternal gratitude, praise, and worship to my Lord, the Comforter, who is here with me, and to my real Daddy who loves me the most.

You Are My Son

[You are My son,] (Psa. 2:7).
Since [You are My son,] just as I am God, you are also a God.
Since [You are My son,] just as I am the great King of the universe, you are also the king of the universe.
Since [You are My son,] My glory is your glory, and your glory is My glory.
Since [You are My son,] My disgrace is your disgrace, and your disgrace is My disgrace.
Since [You are My son,] My enemy is your enemy, and your enemy is My enemy.

Since [You are My son,] My life and your life are the same.
Since [You are My son,] you will enjoy your Father's glory and power.
Since [You are My son,] you will sit on the throne with your Father.

Since [You are My son,] there is no one who can disgrace you or put you shame.
Since [You are My son,] there is no one who can oppose you or even dare to defeat you.
Since [You are My son,] as an eternal victor, you alone will receive honor and glory,
And you will become the absolute monarch of heaven and earth,
To reign over all the nations with Me.

Since [You are My son,] you will reign
Over all the nations of the universe as King Regent
While sitting with Me on the eternally glorious and exceedingly lofty throne,
Receiving admiration from all hosts of the universe.
Since [You are My son,] My precious son, My son of promise,
All My joy, pride, and happiness are in you.
Since [You are My son,] you shall live a holy life in this world
With the pride of the king of the universe,
As the king of all nations and lord of the nations,
As the heavenly king of the new world.

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