By Teacher Suksun
may wonder why this chapter is [Be
a God] when chapter 4, [God is our Real Father] clearly states the fact that we are Gods. Please
let me mention one thing before continuing. When we see our grown up child
acting foolishly, we, as parents, scold and caution our immature son
(daughter), "Please behave like a proper young man (woman)." In the
same way, this chapter, [Be
a God], is telling us to act
as dignified Gods, and it will be a greater blessing if we begin with this
offspring of a cow must be a cow, the offspring of a human being must be a
human being, and the offspring of God must be a God. Therefore, the children of
God who will live with Him eternally in the new world must also be Gods. You
cannot be a child of God, live with Him, or enter His country, the immortal new
world, unless you become a God. The ultimate objective of the truths found in
the Holy Bible is to restore corrupt humans to their original state as God's
real children, that is, to restore them to their original divinity as God's
sons and daughters. There is one great truth in the universe, and its ultimate
objective is to perfect human beings into Gods.
heavenly Father personally says to each one of us, [You are my son (daughter), today I have begotten
you.] (Psa.
2:7) Cows only breed cows, dogs only breed dogs, humans beings only give birth
to human beings, and God only gives birth to Gods. Since He said, [I have begotten you,] we
are undoubtedly Gods.
at our features (ears, eyes, nose, and mouth). Our face is different from the
faces of all the countless animals. We are the only ones who resemble God. In
the beginning, our Daddy said, [Let
us make (give birth to) man (children) in Our image, according to Our likeness.] (Gen. 1:26) He came to us again and reconfirmed our
identity, saying, [You
are (Gods), and all of you are sons of the Most High (Emperor of the universe).] (Psa. 82:6)
who insist otherwise, who say, "My ancestor is a monkey. I am the
offspring of a mouse," will surely die on this earth, as a monkey will.
The "son Gods" and "daughter Gods" who dance joyfully,
saying, "Now, I have finally found my Real Father," will be taken up
to the throne of their real Father, the King of the universe, as heavenly
"prince Gods" and "princess Gods." Let me congratulate the
crown princes and crown princesses who were separated from their Real Daddy on
their dramatic reunion with Him.
Young "Jesus God" of Nazareth
was a human being who was born from the body of a woman. His flesh and bones
were just like ours. Though we do not know whether His blood type was O, A, or
AB, His blood was just like ours. He was an ordinary human being with flesh and
blood, born from the body of a woman.
ate in order to be strengthened, worked during the day, rested when He was
tired, slept when He felt drowsy, felt hungry when He starved, felt pain when
he was beaten, agonized when He was afflicted, shed tears when He was sad,
collapsed when He was exhausted, and died when He was killed. Jesus was an
ordinary man who had a body like ours. However, at a certain point in time,
that ordinary Jesus was restored as God and acted like God from then on. He
departed this earth after living the life of the almighty God who healed the
sick, raised the dead, walked on water, and calmed the raging wind at sea.
was this young man, Jesus, restored as God? Let us see how He was restored, in
[In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God.] [And
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as
of the only begotten (Jesus) of the Father, full of grace and truth.] (John 1:1, 14)
"Word God," the Spirit who created the heavens and the earth with God
in the beginning, was present (became one with) the body of that young man,
Jesus of Nazareth. From that hour, He was restored as the Incarnation of God.
other words, "The 'Word God' that was in the beginning abided in the body
of Jesus. [The Word became flesh] in that young man, Jesus; He [dwelt among us],
and [we beheld His glory as
of the only begotten Son of the Father],
Jesus God, [full of grace and truth.] From that hour, the young man, Jesus, became the
Son of God who powerfully spoke words full of truth."
body was the just like ours. However, when the Word that created the heavens
and the earth in the beginning abided in His flesh, divinity united with
humanity, and He became the Incarnation of God. The formula is very simple. If
the Word God that was in the beginning dwells in our body, we become a third
God after the young man Jesus. The next person becomes the fourth God...the
tenth, the hundredth, and the thousandth God. We can all become Gods by
following Jesus' example and having the "Word God of truth" that
existed in the beginning abide in our body. Jesus also speaks about this
formula--"[Those to whom the word
of God came], like Me, are [called (Gods).]"
(John 10:35, NRSV)
may still say, "But Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, (Mat. 1:20) without (the sperm of) a
Jesus said that we would also be born of the Spirit in the same manner, and
that only those who are born again of the Spirit as He was and become a God as
He did can enter God's country, the new world. [Jesus
answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and
the Spirit] as I was, [cannot enter the kingdom of God.] (John 3:5) Unless a man of flesh [is born again] of
the Spirit, [he cannot see the kingdom of God.] (John
3:3) The only difference between Jesus and us is that of time; Jesus was born
of the Spirit before we were.
say that Jesus was born in an odd way, without a man, in other words, without
the sperm of a man. However, many others besides Jesus were also born without a
Eve born by a man's seed? Though Jesus was born from the womb of a woman, Mary,
Eve was born from Adam's rib as the most beautiful woman on earth. Does that
not make her greater than Jesus? Not only that, there is someone even greater
than Eve. Adam was born from dirt; he did not need a man's seed, the womb of a
woman, or even a rib.
is not only man's seed. Life is born from the harmony between a rib or dirt,
and God's [Spirit of life.] (Rom. 8:2) This is the law of life. [The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they
are life.] (John 6:63) When the
Spirit of God's Word comes to sperm, a rib, dirt, or anything else, there is
life. We are born solely by God's Word. Life is born in a mysterious and
inexpressible way through the working of the [Spirit
of life] (Rom. 8:2), the Spirit of
God, the source of all life.
people consider Jesus completely different from us, as if He is some strange
alien from outer space. At the same time consider, they consider Adam and Eve
to be human just like us. In reality, Adam and Eve are much greater than Jesus
is. Jesus was born from a woman's body, Mary's womb, just as we were. Jesus was
a human being who had a body just like us. Let me introduce someone greater
than Jesus.
was born of a young, healthy virgin. However, someone was born from an elderly
mother who had been menopausal for quite a long time and was so old that she
was [as good as dead (a
corpse).] (Heb. 11:12) He was
Isaac, a great man who was born from the body of a ninety year-old elderly
[God said to Abraham,
"As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah
shall be her name. And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I
will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be
from her." Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his
heart, "Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And
shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?" And Abraham said to
God, "Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!"] (Gen. 17:15-18)
[He faced the fact that
his body was as good as dead--since he was about a hundred years old--and that
Sarah's womb was also dead] (Rom.
4:19, NIV) and [fell
on his face and laughed.]
was almost one-hundred-years-old and his body was as good as dead. He was so
old that he looked like a corpse when he closed his eyes. It had been a long
time since the body of this frail, elderly man had stopped producing sperm, and
his ninety-year-old wife Sarah had begun menopause long ago. Picture a
toothless Sarah with her back bent like a bow; her uterus was barren a long
time ago. Now, imagine the elderly couple sitting close to the fireplace,
warming their cold hands and feet. One day, God paid them a visit.
At about this time next year, Sarah will have an adorable baby boy."
God said that, did Abraham reply, "Thank you, God"? He was
dumbstruck, [fell on his face and
laughed.] "Ha, ha! God,
please look at us. How can we give birth to an adorable baby boy? I am almost a
hundred-years-old, my body is as frail as a dried stick, and my body stopped
producing sperm a long time ago. Sarah is already menopausal and her uterus
dried up completely a long time ago. How do You expect us to have a son at
about this time next year? Ishmael was born through a female slave of mine.
Please let him be the son who carries my lineage." However, God said,
"No, your wife Sarah will have an adorable baby boy about this time next
Word is spirit and life. As soon as the Word of life fell from His lips, there
was life, and Sarah delivered a strong, healthy baby boy they named Isaac, the
following year. How can we not say that the birth of Isaac was a greater event
than the birth of Jesus by young Mary?
also say, "Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit from His mother's womb."
However, someone other than Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit from his mother's
womb. John the Baptist was born of the wife of elderly Zacharias the High
Priest. Like Isaac, he was born from the body of an elderly woman who was
menopausal. Like Jesus, John was the son of God who was [filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's
womb.] (Luke 1:15) However,
they were born with different missions. John was a son of God who was full of
the Holy Spirit from conception. Having been inside his mother's womb for six
months, John recognized and welcomed Jesus' mother, Mary, when she walked in
and welcomed her by dancing, [(leaping)
in her womb.] (Luke 1:41)
can see that other predecessors in the Bible were born in greater ways than
Jesus was. They were all sons of God who were born without a man's seed.
However, people consider the bodies of those who were greater than Jesus
was--Adam, Eve, Isaac, and John the Baptist--to be the same as ours, while they
regard Jesus' body to be completely different, as if it were the body of an
alien. This is the work of the devil Satan, the god of this world, trying to
prevent us from following Jesus, the Way, alienate us from Him, make us fall,
and destroy us eternally. As His real younger sibling, we must follow our
eldest Brother Jesus, our Way, very closely and arrive safely at our Daddy's
home. Let us make sure that estranger, Satan the devil, never gets between us
people would not accept Jesus as an identical person, an identical friend, or
an identical brother, He was very lonely on this earth. He lamented, "[Foxes have holes and birds of the
air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.]" (Mat. 8:20) Strangely
enough, instead of mentioning His own name when speaking of Himself, He would
always say "the Son of Man." He said, "The Son of Man...lay His
head," "the Son of Man came to," "eat the flesh of the Son
of Man," and "the day of the Son of Man...." The expression,
"son of man," refers to a son born of a man. Who was not a son of a
man in our generation or in the past? He was not the only son of a man. Then
why did He only use the expression "Son of Man," instead of using His
name, "Jesus," and say, "I, Jesus...lay My head," "Jesus
came to," "eat the flesh of Jesus," or "the day of
people in our age and that age thought strangely of Jesus. Although He was also
human, they excluded and alienated Him. He was so sorrowful and lonely that He
sincerely said, "Please, do not look at Me strangely or leave Me out. I am
the Son of Man. I was born of a woman, a son of a man, just like you. I am a
Son of Man and so are you; I am a Son of God and so are you; I am a human being
and so are you; I am a God and so are you. I am a human being who has a body
just as you do, and we are all one family. On the contrary, I was born inferior
to Adam, Eve, John the Baptist, and Isaac. I have the same body as you do; we
are all one family. Therefore, just as I became a restored God by receiving the
Word God, you will also become a restored God like Me if you accept the Word
God in your heart."
is why God repeatedly says, "I [called
them (Gods), to whom (anyone) the word of God came.] (John 10:35)
Formula for a Human Being to Become a God
The mission of the Savior
... The mission of Elijah
... The
mission of an heir to the new world
[the word] [in the beginning] (John 1:1) had not abided in the
body of the young man, Jesus, He could not have become the Savior of the world.
He would have just lived and died as a common, rural carpenter. He became the
great Savior of the world because the "Word God' that created the heavens
and the earth abided in His body, and He became the Son of God Whom [the Word became flesh and dwelt
among us,] [full of
grace and truth.] (John
God" the Shepherd
order to live according to heaven's will, Moses threw away the throne of Egypt
as worthless, went into the wilderness of Median, and became a shepherd, a
servant at someone else's ranch. He later found favor with the owner of the
ranch who adopted him into the family as a son-in-law. He became a God one
morning without his wife even knowing it.
day, God said to Moses, "[See,
I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be your
prophet.] (Exo. 7:1)
You will act with God's authority." From then on, every command from the
mouth of "Moses God" was readily fulfilled.
"Moses God" commanded, "Swarms of flies, appear!" thick
swarms of flies were created immediately, and they covered the entire country.
When "Moses God" said, "Frogs, appear!" scores of frogs
were created, and they covered the entire land. The river turned into blood at
the command of "Moses God," and the sea parted as soon as he walked
into it.
if Moses had stood up all day long shouting, "Flies, appear!" and
made all kinds of gestures with his hands and feet, would even a common
housefly have obeyed his command and appeared if he had not become a God and
was just a human being? According to God's word, Moses undoubtedly became a
real son of God by using the same formula Jesus of Nazareth used to become God.
Everyone will be [called...(Gods),
to whom the word of God came.] (John
God" the Son of Nun
in the sight of Israel, "Sun, stand still over Gibeon; and Moon in the valley
of Aijalon." So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped.] (Jos. 10:12, 13)
enormous sun, which is 1.3 million times larger than the earth and 18 times
faster than the speed of a bullet, stood helplessly still in obedience to the
single command of Joshua, an ephemeral human. What need is there for further
explanation? Joshua became a God by using the same method and formula Moses and
Jesus used. He became one with the Word that was in the beginning; [the Word became flesh,] and he became "Joshua God."
if Joshua had screamed at the sun until he coughed up blood and died, would a
passing meteorite, let alone the sun, have stopped and stood still if he had
not become a God?
said, "You are (Gods), and all of you are children (Gods) of the Most
High.] (Psa. 82:6)
God" the Priest
[The word of
the Lord came expressly to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of
the Chaldeans by the River Chebar.] (Eze.
moment the word of the Lord came to the priest Ezekiel, in the same manner it
came to Jesus, he was no longer a human being but "Ezekiel God." God
led this son, "Ezekiel God," to a valley scattered with dry bones of
men who had died long ago and commanded him to resurrect them.
day, "Ezekiel God" called out to the bones. [So I prophesied as I was
commanded; and...there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones
(obeyed and) came together, bone to bone.... The sinews and the flesh came upon
them, and the skin covered them over.... He said to me..."Come from the
four winds, O breath (life), and breathe on these slain, that they may
live."...And they lived, and stood upon their feet.] (Eze. 37:7-10)
Jesus, [the Word
became flesh] (John
1:14) and Ezekiel became a son of God. Just as Jesus resurrected Lazarus and
the son of a widow in Nain, Ezekiel also resurrected the bones of soldiers who
had died long ago.
God" the Farmer
was merely a farmer in the countryside who did not know what a school or
theological seminary was. One day, he became a "farmer God" by
receiving the Word God that was in the beginning. He then went to the dissolute
King Ahab who had been instigated by false religions and scolded him, "[There shall not be dew nor rain]
in the country [these years, except at my word.]" (1 Ki. 17:1)
the words of Elijah God were dreadfully fulfilled and not a single drop of rain
or dew fell. When the whole country became severely parched, the king and all
the false religious groups arose to pray day and night. However, for three and
a half years, the whole country was completely ruined, and the offering baskets
of the swindlers in the false religions became completely empty. As a result,
the brute king and those who were ruining the world with false religions,
so-called priests and servants of the Lord, were completely annihilated at the
River Gishon by the judgment of the real son of God, "Elijah God." A
welcome rain, heaven's great blessing, fell upon the innocent people and the
entire country once again. History will soon repeat itself on this earth.
God" the Farmer
was the son of a rich farmer who farmed with twelve oxen and tried to live
faithfully according to the will of Heaven. He became Elijah's disciple and
devotedly served his teacher. After Elijah ascended to heaven, Elisha also
followed the exemplary life of his teacher; he was restored as a God when [the word became flesh] in him. While traveling on a
road, a group of scoundrels swarmed around the elderly, bald "Elisha
God" and mocked him, saying, "Hey, baldhead! Try to go up to heaven!
We heard that you go around saying that your teacher went up to heaven. Let's
see you go up right in front of us. Go up." (2 Ki. 2:23) Unable to bear it
any longer, "Elisha God" [turned
around and looked at them, and pronounced a curse on them.] Immediately, [two female bears came out of the
woods and mauled forty-two] (2
Ki. 2:24) of those ruffians who had dared to blaspheme their God.
those who do not recognize the Gods who will go to heaven and dare to ridicule
and insult them in these last days will surely be visited with Heaven's
punishment. However, our heavenly Father will greatly reward and bless those
who serve well the saints who have become Gods.
"Elisha God" lived for fifty years performing many benevolent
miracles like the other Gods before him. He made an iron ax float on top of
water, filled all the jugs in the room with oil from one little bottle, and
resurrected the son of a family that loved Him. No one ridiculed him, and he
was treated honorably as a son of God and passed away after living a holy life
on this earth fulfilling the will and providence of our heavenly Father and
doing what was pleasing to Him.
God" the Fisherman
to a lack of space, I will omit the other Gods in the Old Testament. From here
on, let me introduce a few Gods from the New Testament.
was a quick-tempered, volatile fisherman. After following the example of his
Teacher, he became a God in whom [the
Word became flesh,] whose
mouth was [full of
grace and truth,] who
taught the world, healed many sick people, drove out demons, and resurrected
the dead. This "fisherman God" performed many benevolent miracles
just like his Teacher.
God" the Persecutor
was an agent of the corrupt, orthodox sect of Judaism who pursued the people
who had gathered with Jesus in the upper room to brutally kill those so-called
heretics. On a certain road, He repented before the powerful light of the
resurrected "Jesus God" for being completely deceived by the false
religion into trying to kill the true children of God. After converting to the
church of the upper room, he became the noble "Paul God" who was much
more faithful than the other disciples. In fact, "Paul God" was
outstanding among Jesus' disciples for his striking loyalty. Writing fourteen
books of the Holy Bible was one of his greatest achievements. His merits will
shine for eternity. He boldly proclaimed, "[Imitate me] and
be a God, [just as I
also (imitated) Christ] (1
Cor. 11:1) and became a God." Although there are other Gods in the New
Testament, I will only mention their names due to a lack of space.
God" the Fisherman
God" the Tax Collector
God" the Affluent
Undisclosed "Gods" of the Upper Room
the above people followed the example of their Teacher, received the [Word (God) the beginning,]
and became Gods in whom [the Word became flesh.] For thousands of years, everyone
in the Old and New Testaments and throughout the ages became holy "son
Gods" and "daughter Gods" who obtained the right to enter the
new world.
Also Be a God
everyone else can easily enter the new world, why can we not? There is a saying
in Korea, "Since everyone else is going to the market (marketplace), I
will too (follow suit)." If for thousands of years, so many people in the
Old and New Testaments went to heaven after being restored as Gods, why can we
not? Since everyone else is becoming a God and going to the new world, we
should follow them, too. We can very easily and sufficiently become Gods and
enter the joyful, immortal, new world, for the Owner of the new world, our
heavenly Father and Real Daddy who begot us, raised us, met us, and
meticulously taught us, is calling us right now.
Daddy's promise is, [He
called them (Gods) to whom (whomever) the word of God came (and the Scripture
cannot be broken).] (John
10:35) Our Daddy, the Owner of the new world, [said, "You are (all Gods), and all of you are
children of the Most High (Me).] (Psa.
82:6) [I give them
eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them
(you) out of My hand.] (John
now on, let us joyfully become noble Gods and go to the new world where our
Real Daddy, my Daddy, awaits. Let us take our genealogy (chapter 4), practice a
diet worthy of a God (chapter 3), live a beautiful life becoming to God (be a
foot, water, dirt, and salt), and mature into more perfect holy Gods as we
study the Nature Bible (chapter 5), the Textbook of truth personally written by
our Daddy, every day. Thank you very much for following suit to the end. Well
then, let us joyfully meet in the new world. May you do your best as noble
Gods. I love you.
Real Daddy who has begotten me!
pitied me, an orphan who was roaming around all alone in the world, and found
me. Now, I have returned to You. I have come to live with You, Daddy, in Your
am eternally grateful to You for redeeming this son (daughter) who sadly
wandered alone and endured hardships until now. I will never be an orphan
again, so please embrace me in Your arms and never let go of me until I enter
Your country, the new world. For the longest time, I wandered here and there in
bitter tears, deceived by the world, by religion, by other people, and by
Daddy, I will never leave Your bosom again. Please hold my hand tightly and
guide me until the very day I reach the new world, the land of immortality. As
I wholeheartedly offer this prayer of thanksgiving to You on this day, From now
on, I earnestly desire to be a noble, mature God who consecrates my loyalty in
the truest sense, my filial piety in the truest sense, and renders glory to You
in the truest sense. Please give me the wisdom, power, and strength of Heaven
to be Your most filial son (daughter). I offer eternal gratitude and praise to
You for answering my prayer overwhelmingly.
The Love of Gods
Only Gods can possess,
Only Gods can practice,
Only Gods can enjoy,
The love of Gods.
Exist and live only for
The happiness for others,
The delight of others,
The joy of others,
And the blessing of others.
The love of Gods is
A holy love,
A selfless love,
And a noble love
Devoted only for
The happiness of others,
The delight of others,
And the joy of others.
Within this love,
There is no covetousness,
Or avarice.
It is a holy love devoted
Just for the happiness of others.
Within this love,
There is no stinginess or regret.
There is only the joy of devoting
Just for the happiness of others.
Only those who have become Gods
Know this love of Gods.
Only those who have become Gods
Can practice this holy love.
If these Gods left for heaven,
Traces of this divine love would
also disappear.
However, the Gods who ascend to
Will continue to practice this
love with God and the angels,
Together for eternity.
It is this love of Gods
That pleases God so much,
That delights Him so much,
And that He loves so much
And blesses so much.
This love is
The eternal life of God and man,
That is, immortal life.
Though this world, carnal
pleasures, and all things pass away,
Only this holy love of Gods
Will grow even deeper and remain forever.
The Love of Gods
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