Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Be A Foot

By Teacher Suksun

The Final Lesson
[Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Him, Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, "Lord, are You washing my feet?" Jesus answered and said to him, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this." Peter said to Him, "You shall never wash my feet!" Jesus answered him, "If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me." Simon Peter said to Him, "Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!"] (John 13:1-9)
When our heavenly Daddy and Jesus love us, They love us forever. As it is written, Jesus loved His people to the end, while the devil strove persistently to destroy Judas Iscariot to the end. Here, we can see two powers. One is a heavenly power that loves us to the end in order to take us to heaven, and the other is the earthly power of Satan, who clings on to us incessantly in order to destroy us. Which side each person chooses determines their fate.
When Jesus knew that it was time for Him to leave His beloved disciples behind in this world and go back to the Father, and [having loved His own who were in this world, He loved them to the end]. He planned to give them one final lesson before leaving. This lesson, given during the last meeting with His beloved disciples, was the most important one He gave to them. It was the lesson they were to keep in their hearts forever and practice in their lives. Jesus, who had only taught with words until now, stood up that evening to give His final object lesson, an action. He [rose from supper, laid aside his garments, and girded himself with a towel. Then He poured water into a basin,] [began to wash the disciples' feet,] and wiped their feet with [the towel with which He was girded.] He [came to Simon Peter] who [said to Him, "Lord,] You are not my servant, but my Teacher. Why [are You washing my feet?"] [Jesus answered him, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will after this."] (John 13:4-7)
Why was foot-washing so important that Jesus said, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this"? Our Lord was doing more than just washing their feet with water. There was a deep, profound, important, hidden lesson--a lesson that the disciples could not understand alone. There was a deep, hidden meaning only Jesus knew, a lesson that could not be understood unless revealed by the Helper, the Holy Spirit. Peter, who did not understand, [said to Him, "You shall never wash my feet!"] and refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet. [Jesus answered him, "If I do not wash you, you have no part with me."] (John 13:8, 9)
Peter was shocked. Why was washing his dirty feet so important that Jesus had to renounce their relationship at his refusal to be washed and said, "If I do not wash you, you have no part with me." Surprised, [Simon Peter said to Him, "Lord,] then [not my feet only, but also my hands and my head.] Wash my entire body." However, [Jesus said to him,] "That is not necessary. All I need to do is wash your feet. If I just wash your feet, you [are clean."] (John 13:9, 10) As his Teacher washed his feet, He once again emphasized the importance of foot washing.
Peter could not understand his Teacher's words. Until now, no one has understood that profound truth, that final lesson and revelation. However, with the coming of the Spirit of truth, the latter rain, the time has come for us to understand this truth.

The Life and Character of a Foot
Jesus, who [loved] His disciples [to the end], could have washed their faces or held their hands. Of all the parts of the body, why did He express His love for them by touching and washing their dirty, smelly feet? Let us study Jesus' deep and profound lesson.

The foot is the lowest part of the body that upholds and serves the rest of the body. It is most beautiful, selfless, and humble; it devotes its whole life to serving the rest of the body without a complaint or displeasure.
The foot is different from the rest of the body because it does not brag or show itself off while serving others all its life and is a quiet, selfless worker that likes to hide inside smelly shoes. When the foot becomes exhausted or sick with athlete's foot or eczema, it never looks grudgingly at the eyes, nose, mouth, head or other parts of the body for making it do their errands. The foot is a meek and humble worker.
The foot is also a faithful worker that does all the tough jobs alone. It does not hesitate to be the first to enter the sewer, bathroom, and other places the rest of the body refuses to go into. The foot is also the first to enter good places like the land of Canaan, the paradise, and the new world.
When the feet run with all their strength in an international marathon and gloriously come in first place, no one gives them any credit. No one shakes the feet to congratulate or compliment them for their hard work. Everyone shakes the hands, compliments them, and gives them the awards and prizes, even though they did not do much. Moreover, though the face did nothing, it is shown close up on TV and in newspapers as the winner. How upset the feet must be to see this sight! Greedy, selfish people would go away seething with wrath. Though it was the feet that worked so hard to win, they selflessly look up to the hands and face that are receiving all the glory and joyfully say, "[He must increase, but I must decrease.] (John 3:30) We [are not worthy of praise. We are servants who have simply done our duty,]" (Luke 17:10, NLT) and hide themselves in the smelly shoes.
Jesus praised the foot, saying "Dear, dear, foot! How are you so selfless and humble? You do not have the slightest bit of greed or selfishness, and you live with such a kind heart and a beautiful heart of selflessness! Dear foot, you deserve to receive the greatest praise and reward from God."
While I was serving in the army, there was a race between neighboring units, with 20 people on each team. When I finished as the overall winner, the members of my unit came running towards me, lifted me, threw me in the air, told me that I ran well, and shook my hands that had done nothing. I thought they would grab my feet and compliment them for doing well. Instead, my hands and face received the glory. I asked my feet, "Feet! You won the race. How do you feel about the hands and face receiving the glory?" They replied, "[He must increase, but I must decrease,]" and hurried back into my smelly boots. Hearing the humble, selfless, and beautiful feet say that moved my heart.

You Also Become a Foot
Jesus presented the foot in His last lesson to His beloved disciples. He praised and stroked the foot saying, "Foot, foot! Beautiful foot! I love you more than the eyes, nose, face, or head that are above you. I love you the most for silently serving others from the lowest place," and washed the foot with care.
Before leaving for heaven, Jesus made a very important request, giving a living lesson not only to His first disciples, but also to the disciples in the last days of the earth. On His final night, He left behind the greatest lesson: "You all become a foot. Be a silent and selfless server of love to your family, brethren, and others."
There is another important lesson to keep in mind. Only when we become a foot will Jesus personally come to us, purify our hearts and characters to be holy and without blemish, and perfect us as Gods of the new world.
Even though we pursued the teachings and truths of heaven for all our lives, we were unable to possess the holy character of heaven because we always thought we were superior and placed ourselves above others, judging and criticizing them instead of becoming a foot. However, if we become a foot from now on, Jesus will appear to us during the sinful last night of the world. He will completely cleanse the hearts of His beloved people who possess the humble heart of a foot, just as He did two thousand years ago when He cleansed the feet of His beloved disciples on the last night at the upper room. Only they will become saints who live a sinless life and possess a flawless heart and character.
At the same time, Jesus will never come to those who refuse to become feet, whose hearts desire to become high like the eyes, nose, mouth, and head. Such people may believe in God and hope to possess a flawless heart and character, but it will be impossible. They will always wonder if a sinless life is possible and, after futilely believing in God for so long, go to their grave without God or His character in their hearts.
Therefore, God's last children today must all become feet in heart. We can become heirs to the new world only when the fruits of Jesus' final lesson are borne within us, and we become perfect feet. Let us all become feet! Let us all become perfect, eternal feet!

The Universe Is a Family of Feet
Jesus came down from the highest throne of the universe to this low, sinful world in order to rid us of all our filthy sins. People always rejected Him, and He never received honor or glory. Yet, He washed the dirty feet of filthy sinners. He is the most selfless server and the greatest Foot in the universe.
Our heavenly Daddy, the King of the universe, personally follows His earthly children who were taken to court for no reason and accepts the insult and punishment by a human judge (sinner) in their stead. He followed His Son Jesus to the cross on Calvary and to His tomb and resurrected Him. He is also the greatest Foot in the universe who possesses a selfless heart.
Likewise, the Holy Spirit God and all the angels are selfless servers of love as members of the foot family.
The sun, the moon, and the stars are selfless servers that serve others (all creation) by shining light on them day and night as members of the foot family.
Water and air are feet, selfless servers that enter humans and animals, give them life, and clean out the waste and excretion in their body that will be used to fertilize vegetation.
Plants and trees are selfless servers as members of the foot family that gratuitously and unconditionally provide people and animals with beautiful flowers, fruits, honey, pollen, and oxygen with a boundless love.
Rain and clouds, heaven and earth, and the whole universe in general only live to serve others and are all members of the selfless, universal foot family.
God, the King of the universe, is a foot; Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and angels are feet; the sun, the moon, the stars, clouds, air, water, and everything in nature are all feet. The whole universe is composed of members of the foot family. We must also become selfless feet in order to be a part of the universal foot family and live in the new world. As the saying goes, "Birds of a feather flock together." We must become feet in order to live happily together with the universal foot family.
Only a foot can walk with and live together with other feet. The eyes, nose, or mouth cannot follow the foot into a shoe and live with it. Consequently, if we want to follow Jesus, the great Foot, then we must become little feet. Only when we have the selfless, humble heart of a foot, can we walk together with Jesus, the selfless Foot. Jesus will be the right foot and I will be the left foot. These two feet will walk together into the new world.
Let us all become feet. [A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master] (Mat. 10:24, 25) and become a foot.
Jesus announced that his relationship with Peter was over when His beloved disciple refused to have his feet washed. The truth was that important--the most important final lesson that determined his eternal life and death. Refusing to have his feet washed signified his refusal to become a foot; refusing to become a foot meant that he did not want to be a part of Jesus' family. In reality, Peter had announced the end of his relationship with Jesus first. However, he quickly repented, changed his mind that evening, chose to become a foot, and became a member of the foot family who could live eternally with his Teacher who was a Foot.
On the other hand, [Jesus,] speaking of Judah, [was troubled in spirit, and testified, "Most assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me."] (John 13:21) This agonizing message meant, "Most assuredly, I say to you, one of you will refuse to become a humble foot, remain arrogant to the end, and become My enemy."
It distressed Jesus to frankly say, "He who eats bread with Me will lift up his heel against Me." Extremely tormented and sad in heart, He reluctantly said, "Most assuredly, I say to you, one of you will sell Me to the enemy." [Then the disciples looked at one another, perplexed about whom He spoke.] (John 13:22) They wondered, "Who is it? Who among us will be another betrayer?"
[Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. Then, leaning back on Jesus' breast, he said to Him, "Lord, who is it?" Jesus answered, "It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it." And having dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him.] [Having received the piece of bread, he then went out immediately. And it was night.] (John 13:23-27, 30)
When Jesus said, "One of you will betray Me and sell Me," the disciples began to whisper among themselves. Peter, the most impatient disciple, anxiously wanted to know who it was but did not dare ask Jesus out of fear of being scolded. Yet, he could not bear to be still. Just then, he saw John leaning on Jesus' bosom and with his chin signaled, "You ask Him since you are especially loved by Teacher. Ask Him. You won't be scolded even if you ask." I believe that apostle John was younger than Jesus was since he was leaning on His bosom. Though John was violent by nature, Jesus especially loved him for his simple-mindedness. Once John decided to be a foot, he was astonishingly transformed into an apostle of love.
Leaning on Jesus' bosom, John asked, [Lord, who is it?] Jesus did not hide anything from the disciple leaning on His bosom. All the revelations of the Holy Bible come from those who are in God's bosom. Only the Son knows the Father, and only the Father knows the Son. We must understand that those who teach our heavenly Father's love are people who are, in the least, in His bosom. All the last disciples must also be in God's bosom (the truth).
Though no one else in the world knew about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, God reveled it to Abraham, who was in His bosom. He said, [Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?" (Gen. 18:17)] God secretly revealed to Noah, who was also in God's bosom, that the world would be destroyed. We must be the children in this generation who are in God's bosom and receive His perfect love and revelations and whom heavenly Daddy keeps no secrets.
Though the other disciples did not dare to, John asked. Jesus replied, "How can I keep it from you? It is the person I will give a piece of bread to." While He was eating, He gave a piece of bread to Judas Iscariot, and [Satan entered into him] immediately.
If a disciple separates himself (herself) from Jesus, the heavenly bread of life, Satan immediately enters their heart and captivates their soul. [Having received the piece of bread, he then went out immediately. And it was night.] It did not become night because he received the bread. Judas was immediately caught in the dark world of death, the dark powers of Satan, because he left the bosom of Jesus, the Light. If we leave God's bosom, the dark night will enclose us and we will die wandering in the world without light. We will walk on the road of death, fall in some trap, and die. Perhaps we may be dragged around in the dark night to our death.
Dismissing His beloved disciple Judas, whose feet Jesus washed to the end, was a heart-rending pain--agony that tore His heart. [So, when he had gone out, Jesus said, "Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him." (John 13:31)] While all the other disciples tried to be a foot, Judas always wanted to be the head.
While Jesus was washing his feet that night, Judas' heart moved to repent. He had just returned from agreeing to sell his Teacher. Though Judas felt the urge to confess all his sins to Jesus and repent, he rejected the appeals of his conscience to the end and became eternally hapless.
When God calls our heart to repent, we should do it immediately. If we miss that moment by hesitating or lingering, there may never be another opportunity to repent. Let us not reject that call to the end with a stubborn heart, but immediately confess our misconducts before God and repent.
Judas lost his chance to repent by suppressing the appeal of the Holy Spirit. Had Judas repented at that time, he would have entered eternal life together with the other disciples. As he suppressed his heart, he saw Jesus washing the feet of the disciples beside him and said to himself, "Oh, He's washing Peter's feet, too. If He washes his feet, then He must wash mine, too." He always compared himself to others, thinking he was far superior and greater than they were.
In addition, Teacher seemed imperfect to him, and he always judged Him in his heart. As Jesus had said, Judas was very arrogant and looked down upon his humble Foot Teacher. Judas tried to look through Jesus, judge, weigh, and test Him as he pleased. In doing so, he eternally lost the privilege of becoming part of the foot family and died after leaving his Teacher's side forever.
It is the same today. Judas is none other than someone who refuses to be a servant and a foot that serves humanity as Jesus did. That person is the "Judas" in the last days of this earth who will sell the Savior of this age and is a part of the "Judases" who fail to be part of the universal foot family forever.
The beloved disciple Peter almost became an eternal Judas, as well. [Simon Peter said to him, "Lord, where are you going?" Jesus answered him, "Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward." (John 13:36)] This meant, "Right now, you are too proud to follow this Foot. After you repent and become a foot, you will be able to follow Me." Without knowing what Jesus meant, Peter boasted, ["Lord, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my life for Your sake." Jesus answered him, "Will you lay down your life for My sake? Most assuredly, I say to you, the rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times."] (John 13:37, 38) Even when they have not become a foot in heart, many Christians today boast that they will give up their life for Jesus. On the bright dawn of the new era, the day of eternal life, they will leave Him after completely denying Him [three times (complete number)] as Peter did. However, those who sadly lament, throw away their pride, and lower themselves to live as a humble foot as Peter did, will be the last "Peters" who stand by Jesus' side as His most beloved disciples.
Sin is not fighting or stealing. It is the desire to always be a head instead of a foot, comparing yourself to others, and arrogantly pushing them aside. No matter how many sins people may have committed in the past, if they know our Real Father's love, are embraced in His bosom, and become feet, then they will become the most righteous people in the universe. Jesus will sanctify them by cleansing their hearts and souls and take them to the new world. Those who say, "I am spotless. I never stole anything or committed murder, and I did a lot of service. What else do I need?" lean on their own righteousness, and desire to be a head, are hopeless and incurable.
Though Jesus showed Judas what it was to be a foot and enlightened him with so many lessons for three and a half years, He ultimately removed him for refusing to be a foot. [When he had gone out, Jesus said, "Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him."] (John 13:31) There are two ways to glorify God.
First, [the fear of the Lord is to hate evil. (Pro. 8:13)] Hating and rejecting evil is to fear the Lord and glorifying God. To truly fear the Lord is not to worship Him for a long time or make large monetary offerings but to hate, confront, and eradicate evil and cut off sin. It was this evil that brought down and killed God and Jesus and destroyed the human race. When we conspire with evil, we are killing God and the human race once again. Therefore, we must never conspire with evil but lay down our lives to fight against it. True love neither rejoices in iniquity nor ever tolerates evil, but rejoices only in the truth.
Achan was not a leader but a commoner among the 600,000-member Israelite army. Even when a commoner such as Achan sinned, God departed from the congregation of Israel. If there is someone like Achan or Judas in the group led by God in these last days, we will all perish. For that reason, Jesus cut off Judas who only wanted to be a head, even though it was agonizing and painful. Afterwards He said, "God is glorified in the Son of Man."
Second, our Father and Jesus are glorified when we possess the beautiful character of being feet for mankind, like Jesus. We must never tolerate sin but glorify God by living beautifully as a foot. God in turn glorifies such people and seats them on the right side of His throne. They will live eternally with the rest of the universal foot family.
After cutting off Judas whom He was very much attached to, Jesus said, [A new commandment I give to you.] The disciples always liked new things and high hopes filled their heart. He said, [As I have loved also love one another.] (John 13:34) He meant, "Just as I loved you, laid down My life for you, and gave up the heavenly throne to be a Foot and serve humanity, you must also be a foot to your brethren, serve, and love them with your life. Then the whole world will know that you are My disciples and follow you, even if you do not carry out any missionary work."
Those who accept this new commandment will serve their brethren as feet and love their neighbors as they love themselves. Fighting, domestic troubles, family discord, marital quarrels, and international wars occur because one party desires to be the head and take control of the other party. If everyone served each other as feet, there would never be any more fighting, no matter how wide this universe may be.

The True Foot-Washing Service
In following Jesus' example, churches today perform what is known as the "foot-washing service" or "humility service." Countless numbers of people pour water into basins and wash each other's feet. Afterwards, they continue to hate and be jealous of one another, fighting to rise above one another. Jesus never commanded such a foot-washing service. Instead of acknowledging it, He considers it abominable and turns away from it. The true foot-washing service that Jesus joyfully acknowledges and receives is to genuinely love everyone as He loved all the sinners in the world (John 13:34) and to serve them as a lower foot and servant--the "practical foot-washing service of the life." Those who wash each other's feet like the members of the modern church, with hearts full of pride and jealousy, always comparing themselves to other brethren and criticizing them, will be judged by Jesus at His Second Coming. He will be filled with wrath against the abominable tribe of Judas Iscariot and greatly judge them for defiling His holy name.

The True Pledge of the Foot-washing Service
"To those who receive the spirit of this service, it can never become a mere ceremonial. Its constant lesson will be, [Through love, serve one another.] (Gal. 5:13) In washing the feet of His disciples, Christ gave evidence that He would do any service, however humble, that would make them heirs with Him of the eternal wealth of heaven's treasury. His disciples, in performing the same rite, pledge themselves in like manner to serve their brethren. Whenever this ordinance is rightly celebrated, the children of God are brought into a holy relationship, to help and bless each other. They covenant that the life shall be given to unselfish ministry. Moreover, those who would partake of His divine attributes, and share with Him the joy of seeing souls redeemed, must follow His example of unselfish ministry. All this was comprehended in the words of Jesus, [I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.] (John 13:15) This was the intent of the service He established. He says, [If you know these things,] if you know the purpose of His lessons, [blessed are you if you do them.] (John 13:17)"
We must all become feet for all mankind just like the Son of God who was the great Foot.
Even today, Jesus says, "If you desire to live eternally with Me in the happy, new world, then you also become a foot like Me!"

I Will Be a Fallen Leaf

Though the world
May praise
The towering,
Magnificent trees
And the beautiful,
Desirable fruits,

No one
Seems to praise
The fallen leaves
Who sacrificed themselves,
Even to death,
And sustained bloody bruises
So that the fruits
Could grow
And ripen.

I also will become
A fallen leaf
To the world
And disappear.
I also
Will leave
As a fallen leaf.

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