Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Be Dirt

By Teacher Suksun

[In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.] (Gen. 3:19)
After Adam, whom our heavenly Father formed from the dust of the ground, sinned, God said to him, "You are dust, and to dust you will return." Many people believe that God was cursing Adam, "Go into a grave of dirt and die forever," for the sin of disobeying His command. However, was He really cursing Adam? Of course, He was not.
Why was God telling Adam to return to dust?
No one knows the origin of dirt, which has existed from the beginning of time. There is no mention of God creating dirt when He created the heavens and the earth. Though we do not know exactly when He created it, God arranged the dirt that He created from the beginning and used it to form man.
When Jehovah God begot His adorable, youngest son Adam, He hugged him, kissed him, and rejoiced, [You are my son, today I have begotten you.] (Psa. 2:7) Why did He form His precious son Adam from something as common and worthless as dirt instead of carving him from fine wood or beautiful stone, or making him out of valuable gold or a precious jewel?
No one but our Daddy knows the mystery of how dirt became human flesh. Moreover, animals, plants, and all creation came from the dirt. Though their shapes and sizes are all different, they all came from dirt. Regardless of their appearance, they all return to the bosom of dirt when they die.

Dirt Is the "Mother" of All Creation
Dirt is a loving mother that imparts happiness to creation. Everything in nature, including four-legged animals, birds, and humans are born from dirt and live happily forever in the bosom of dirt, their mother. We build houses on top of dirt, live on top of dirt, live off the vegetables that are grown in dirt, and we will live eternally in the bosom of dirt. Dirt is the mother of all creation because no animal, person, or plant can survive apart from it.

Dirt Possesses Great Love
Although rough trees and thorn bushes drive their roots deep into the dirt and absorb all the nutrients, it accepts them all with love. It does not ask, "Why are you doing this to me?" or scold the trees when they drive their roots into its side. When ferocious animals or snakes dig holes in it, the dirt embraces and accepts it all with love. When rough humans recklessly dig into it or make tunnels, the dirt embraces it all with love. Dirt is a possessor of love that rather gratuitously supplies them with vegetables, fruits, water, and food. Dirt, whose entirety is love, never abuses anyone or anything. It does not become irritated even once, but loves them with an unchanging heart.
Those who ignore, pollute, or betray such a loving mother as dirt have nowhere to go or live. Nothing, whether a person, animal, or plant, can live after leaving the bosom of dirt that begot, fed, and raised them, and unsparingly gave them everything. Those who betray dirt cannot live on this earth or in the land of immortality, the new world.

Dirt Is the Humblest in the Universe
All people, animals, even microorganisms and insects live in the bosom of dirt, yet none show their gratitude or appreciation to dirt.
However, dirt, the humblest in the universe, constantly upholds and serves them wholeheartedly without even frowning once. Dirt is truly a lovely, holy, selfless "saint" that completely practices the universal, grand truth of selflessness.

Dirt Is the Richest in the Universe
Not only does dirt possess the greatest love and is the humblest, it is also the richest. All the treasures in the entire world--gold, silver, bronze, iron, jade, diamonds, and all kinds of jewels--are "held" underground. You cannot find a single treasure away from the dirt, anywhere in the world. Dirt also possesses water and fire. We must go to dirt to drink water and get fire, for both fire and water are found underground. We must go to the dirt to obtain the gravel, sand, rocks, and cement needed to build a house. Dirt is wealthy and endowed with everything. We must obtain the materials needed to build a house from dirt so that we can settle down and have a family.
Yet, dirt is so humble and never acts as if it is rich. It is kindhearted and does not receive any money for all of its precious possessions, but instead gives it all for free. Dirt is neither greedy nor selfish in the least. It is not self-seeking, and it only lives for the sake of others and to sacrifice itself for others. Dirt is truly noble-minded and possesses a holy heart.

Dirt Is Broad-minded
Dirt has a broad mind and never condemns anyone but forgives all. Its heart is wide and tolerant like God, and it forgives, covers, embraces, and feeds every wicked tree, animal, or person, even thieves and murderers.
People are incriminated and expelled in our society. Animals run off when driven away in the animal kingdom. However, there has never been a story of dirt incriminating, expelling, or killing someone or something. This is because dirt possesses a broad and generous heart of love, like God.

Dirt Possesses God's Heart
The universe and all creation originated from God, whose life is only love. God is the "Mother" who brought forth all creation, and He is the Embodiment of love. Not only is God the humblest in the universe but the richest, as well. He never condemns anyone, but forgives everything and loves everyone.
Dirt, like God, is the everlasting "mother" of all creation. People, animals, and plants come forth from it and eventually return to it. Dirt is the foundation of all creation and supplies it with things to eat, wear, live in, and use. Though the people, animals, and insects it brought forth trample upon its face and roam around it excreting all kinds of wastes, it accepts everything. It shares water and fire. Dirt is truly God's correspondent.
Nothing can live after betraying or departing from the grateful dirt of love, their "maternal body." It does not seek the slightest bit of gain, selfishness, or greed and freely gives everything to others. Thieves may betray the dirt, secretly steal its treasures, and run away thinking they have succeeded. In the end, they will die and disappear, and the treasures will be returned to the original owner, the dirt. Dirt never loses anything. Ultimately, it regains everything it originally possessed.
[In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.] (Gen. 3:19)
[Lord God formed (begot) man from the dust of the ground.] (Gen. 2:7, NRSV)
[He said, 'You are my son, today I have begotten you.'] (Psa. 2:7)
[You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High.] (Psa. 82:6)
Though we were originally born from the dirt, God said, "I have begotten you." This makes dirt God's precious counterpart. That is why dirt has so much love, is humble and rich, and possesses God's heart as the origin of all creation and the mother of all creation. Its life is love and it never condemns anyone, but conceals, hugs, and embraces each person with a wide heart.

There Is Only One God
To say that dirt is a partner and a counterpart of God does not mean that dirt is the Creator God, but that it possesses His character.
[(There is) one God and Father of us all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.] (Eph. 4:6)
Dirt cannot be God because there is only one God who created all things in the universe. Not only did God create everything, He rules and abides above and in all things in the universe. He is the omnipresent God because He abides in dirt, in flowers, in the heavens, and in the seas. Therefore, when I say that dirt is God's partner, I mean that He talks to us and reveals Himself to us through it.
If we just open our spiritual eyes, we can always meet God through His creation because He abides in all. We can meet Him in water, in dirt, in flowers, and in galaxies. That is why God abides in all things and is the Head of all things.
[Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all.] (1 Chr. 29:11)
God created everything in heaven and on earth, and they reveal His character, love, and glory. Through His creation, our omnipresent God says to us, His real children, "Children, look at this! I love you this much."
Unfortunately, very few people look at creation, understand our Real Daddy's deep love, and gratefully praise Him. For thousands of years, people have only seen a mountain to be just a mountain, water to be just water, and dirt to be just dirt. Very few have met God in creation, conversed with Him, and understood His great truths.

Restorer of All Things
It is prophesied that someone will appear as God's witness in these last days and restore all things. Who will appear to restore all things?
God [in these last days has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir (restorer) of all things.] (Heb. 1:2)
[He (the Son) must remain (hidden) in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as He promised long ago through his holy prophets.] (Acts 3:21, NIV)
All throughout the history of this world, God has abided in everything and above everything, and all creation has taught His love. However, it was prophesied that He would speak to us directly through His Son in the last days, at the end of the world, because His children could not understand that love.
The disciples who followed Jesus and learned from Him asked Him about the Son of God who would appear in the last days to open the eyes of the blind, restore all things, and unite the universe. They asked Him thinking, "Our Teacher is most certainly the only One who can do it."
[Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, "Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?"] (Acts 1:6) Jesus became serious and replied, ["It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.] Just wait for the [Holy Spirit.] (Acts 1:7, 8) [Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.] (Acts 1:9)

For Dust You Are, and to Dust You Shall Return
When God told Adam, "For dust you are, and to dust you shall return," He wanted him to resemble the dirt, the humblest in the universe. Dirt is humbler than the trees, water, or rocks. When we build a house, we use rocks to support the wood posts. However, the dirt under the rocks supports the posts.
Among all creation, nothing is humbler than dirt. Though all creation was brought forth from it, when they trample on it, dig its side, or pierce it, it silently endures all the pain. It does not condemn them but rather supplies them with food and clothing.
No one has ever heard of dirt dying. It cannot die; it is eternal because it is like God, who possesses a meek and humble heart and whose life is love.
Though the ones it brought forth steal all its possessions, trample upon it, and pierce it in the side, dirt endures everything. It possesses the same love of Jesus, the Son of God, who said, [If anyone wants to...take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also.] (Mat. 5:40)
God told Adam to be dirt because he was arrogant, because he had fallen trying to ascend to God's position. Therefore, God told him, "Do not be so arrogant. Become humble like dirt. You are my lovely son who was originally brought forth from dirt, so revert to the heart of dirt. That is how you will be able to live with Me once again." This was not a curse upon him. It was our heavenly Father's lesson of infinite love, telling him not to die from arrogance but to become a humble son who would be able to live eternally with his humble Father.
However, people understand God's words to return to dust to be a curse on Adam and a death sentence for disobeying His words. If we are unfamiliar with our loving heavenly Father, it is easy to misunderstand the God in the Bible as a God who curses, judges, and kills.
Once we fully understand the Holy Bible, we will realize that God never curses us or tells us to die. There is only His reproof of love, words for us to live by turning away from the path of dreadful sin and death.
Let us never again die from ignorance like Adam or Satan, but revert to becoming humble dirt. Only when we become dirt can we serve all creation and live immortally. Only when we become dirt can we be the children of God who live with Him, who can completely forgive, accept, and love the world that pierces our side, stabs us with spears, denounces, and curses us.
Dirt is a beautiful friend that sweetly accepts all human excretion and wastewater, swallows all the poisons, and afterwards yields only good vegetables and fruits. Only dirt can do this. Even when ungrateful people and animals that have been brought forth by dirt dig tunnels through its side and recklessly devastate it, it accepts everything without scolding them about the pain.
People get upset and angry when others disregard or harm them because they still stand in the place of arrogance and death. Those who are humble like dirt are indifferent to such things. Though people slandered, ridiculed, and persecuted the Son of God who was dirt, He utterly disregarded it all. Jesus forgave them and rather blessed them. Ultimately, He lived the life of dirt, sacrificing Himself for them.
In the end, everyone who humiliated, spat on, beat, and killed Jesus died. However, Jesus, who became dirt and sacrificed Himself for them and for humanity, was resurrected; He ascended to heaven and lived eternally.
When God told Adam (humanity), "Dust you are, and to dust you shall return," (Gen. 3:19) He was not cursing him and telling him to die. It was our heavenly Real Daddy's blessed request of salvation, filled with His infinite love, pleading with him to be dirt and live eternally.
Even today, our Real Daddy says to us, His last real children, "My beloved son (daughter), since you were born from the dirt, let us live happily together with the heart (love) of dirt enjoying eternal blessings in the new world, the everlasting new land (new dirt), the new heavens and earth."

Be Dirt

My beloved son,
Be dirt.
I repeat, be dirt.
Only be dirt.

Even though you are stepped on,
Drenched with water,
Dried in the sunlight,
Ground, scattered, and thrown away,
Be dirt
That is quietly scattered and thrown away.

Even though you are dug by a hoe,
Stabbed by a shovel,
Turned over by a plow,
And pierced and broken by a rake,
Be dirt
That endures and suffers all things.

Even though you are dug by a weeding hoe,
Dug by a shovel,
Even though grains are sown,
And trees are planted,
Be dirt
That quietly raises the grains and trees.

Even though cows trample on you,
Dogs trample on you,
Pigs trample on you,
Birds trample on you,
And people trample on you,
Be dirt
That bears and endures all things.

Even though animals defecate on you,
People defecate on you,
And birds and insects defecate on you,
Be dirt
That silently endures and accepts all things.

Even though animals dig holes,
People dig holes,
Snakes dig holes,
And mice dig holes in you,
Be dirt
That does not voice the pain but quietly suffers.

Even though billions of trees thrust their roots into you,
Thousands of plants drive their roots into you,
And people dig wells in you
To take more and more water from you,
Be dirt
That is silently deprived and dispossessed.

After quietly receiving and swallowing
All the poisons the animals of the world give out,
All the poisons humans give out,
All the poison the factories and cars give out,
Be dirt
That serves everyone and every living thing
By bringing forth only good nutrients
And by bringing forth good vegetables and fruits.

Just as all animals in the world,
All plants in the world,
And all people in the world
Cannot live without or away from dirt,
Be dirt
That the world needs in order to live or exist.

Just as no trees or plants can bear fruits without dirt,
Just as animals cannot give birth
Or raise their offspring without dirt,
Just as humans cannot give birth
Or raise their children away from dirt,
Be dirt
By which creation bears fruit,
Spreads their seed, and obtains happiness.
Eternally be dirt.

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