Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Be Salt

By Teacher Suksun


[You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.] (Mat. 5:13)
Instead of telling us that we are the precious gold of the earth, Jesus said that we are salt. Why did Jesus use something so common and cheap as salt when speaking figuratively about God's precious children?
Salt comes from the largest "country" in the world, the ocean. No matter how broad land is and how vast continents are, they are only one third the size of the ocean. Salt comes from the ocean, which is scores of times larger than the United States and Russia put together and three times larger than all the land on this earth.

Salt Does Not Rot
The salt that is from such a large country comes out to the world and sees that vegetables, which are from tiny fields only a few acres wide and do not even know how large the world is, are so stiff and arrogant. Yet, it never says, "Hey, I came from the largest country in the world! What makes you so great that you can act so proud and arrogant?" Without one slanderous word, salt quietly approaches the arrogant vegetables, caresses them with love, and immediately transforms the swaggering, proud, stiff vegetables into gentle, humble friends.
The stiff vegetables swagger about, thinking they are the best in the world. Yet, they rot so easily and quickly die, reeking of a putrid odor. Although salt does not disclose its identity or name and does not reveal where it came from, it approaches the wretched vegetables that are about to rot and die first. Instead of scolding the vegetables for their arrogance, salt caresses them with love, immediately transforming them into meek, humble friends who will not die, no matter how long they may live. People, God's sons and daughters, can take those vegetables and eat them deliciously because salt transformed them into meek, humble vegetables. When these transformed vegetables enter the bodies of God's children, they become flesh and blood, life that will never pass away. If salt had not transformed them, they would have begun to rot immediately and later disappear forever. The only thing that can transform vegetables so that they can live eternally is the humble, loving salt.
Salt does not rot, even if countless years pass by. However, vegetables rot, and people deteriorate, degenerate, and then die. Even large trees decay after they fall. Though everything else deteriorates, degenerates, and then disappears, there has not been one story about salt deteriorating, rotting, or becoming decadent. No one has ever said, "Look, the salt is spoiled! This salt is moldy!" Salt will not rot, even if countless years pass by. Sprinkling salt over filthy garbage, even rotting fish, preserves its present state, and prevents it from decaying anymore. Salt never rots or deteriorates, and nothing in the world is as holy and unchangeable as salt. Even in the future, salt will live as an upright friend that never rots or becomes decadent.

The Salt from Heaven
Who is the true Salt Heaven teaches? Jesus is the true Salt. He came from the highest and largest country in the universe. [Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life,] (Heb. 7:3) He is the eternal Salt who knows nothing of corruption, sin, and degeneration from the beginning of time to eternity. It was to people who were like grass and to his disciples who were like vegetables that Jesus commanded, "Just as I became the great Salt that keeps the universe from rotting, [you are (to become) the salt of the earth] (Mat. 5:13) that keeps the world from rotting and becoming corrupted."
It is written in the Holy Bible that human beings are vegetables, that is, grass. Just as it is written, [all flesh is grass,] (Isa. 40:6) people are like vegetables or grass. One generation appears, rots, decays, and disappears; the next generation deteriorates, decays, and disappears. However, God is immutable; He remains forever. In comparison to the universe, human beings are really nothing but blades of grass. How can such trivial human beings, who are like grass (vegetables) from the small "field" of this earth, be so arrogant and cocky? They do not realize how wide this universe is. Yet, they assume an air of importance and shake their stiff heads and, at the same time, they rot so easily. They deteriorate immediately, degenerate, and die away.
However, the eternally holy Jesus from heaven, the great Salt who knows nothing of deterioration, approached those vegetable-like human beings. Whether they were prostitutes or robbers--regardless of who they were--He embraced them and said, "I love you," and caressed them once. He transformed them on the spot. A moment ago, they were acting so cocky, stiff-necked, proud, and impudent. Through His love, they immediately became meek, humble, and gentle. In the end, God of heaven will take such people to the immortal, new world where they will live eternally with imperishable bodies. Instead of saying, "You are the gold of the world," or "You are the treasure of the world," Jesus, the great Salt from heaven, said, "You are the salt of the world," and asked us not to lose our flavor. He also asked us to become a salt of love just like Him and transform the proud, ephemeral human beings from the small field of this earth, who quickly deteriorate, degenerate, and die like vegetables, into gentle, humble people.

The Salt Forsaken for Losing Its Flavor
[But if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.] (Mat. 5:13)
If salt loses its saltiness, what good is it? Can we use it to fertilize the fields? Can we mix it with water and make bricks like dirt? Will anyone eat it? It is completely useless.
Everything God created is necessary and important to us. No matter how common dirt is, no one would be able to live without it. Dirt is indeed one of the most precious things in the world. Without sand, we would not be able to build houses or apartments. We would have to live in single-story homes made of mud. In addition, we cannot live without gravel. On the other hand, the weeds that people hate prevent embankments from collapsing. Even human and animal wastes are most precious to vegetables. Nothing in this world, whatever it may be, is useless.
One thing that is completely useless in this world is salt that has lost its flavor. Even if we were to throw it away somewhere, it would be a waste of land. If there was a pile of ten thousands of tons of flavorless salt, where would we throw it all away? No country would say, "Give that salt to us," and no one would say, "Dump it in our field." Everyone would reject it, saying that it useless, and dislike it.
Likewise, if the professed disciples of Jesus do not possess the immutable, "salty" love of heaven He had--the love of the heavenly Father--they are completely useless beings.
The church of Jerusalem that was overlaid with gold and the professed true orthodox church where millions of people gathered for meetings during the time of Jesus was supposed to transform and save the whole world with the holy love of Heaven. When Jesus saw that it had lost its flavor and was acquiring wealth by taking advantage of the people's faith and cleverly exploiting them of their money, He scolded them, shouting, "[My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a 'den of thieves,']" (Luke 19:46) and declared heaven's curse--destruction--upon them. Therefore, even if the religions that do not possess the love of heaven are destroyed, it will be a waste of land to bury them. Graves supposedly occupy approximately one thousandth of the total land in Korea. At this rate, graves will cover this small earth, and there will be less land to use for farming and building homes. Religions that lack love is like salt that has lost its flavor and only take up space on this earth, like graves. Because contemporary religions that call upon the name of God have become flavorless salt, they are like sand. They only make the eyes burn and hurt those who draw near. Instead of feeding those souls salt, they only provide sand, grit. Regardless of their age, religions (Confucianism, Buddhism, and Christianity) that have lost their salty flavor (eternal truth and love) are useless, and there is no place to dispose of them. They are the hellish gates of destruction--the theatrical stages the false spirits of delusion used to deceive everyone in the world, steal their minds and all their money, and eventually kill them.
Consequently, God proclaimed that He would, [Destroy those who destroy the earth.] (Rev. 11:18) Jesus, who came in an earlier generation, utterly abandoned the fake salt, the corrupt Jerusalem church that claimed to be the orthodox church and had millions of members, and instead chose twelve disciples. After gathering them together, He earnestly requested, "You are my church. I give you all the authority of heaven and earth, so please become salt and transform the world. Just as I have become salt to the world and transformed you into incorruptible people, you also become salt and sanctify the world."
No one knows how old salt is. When God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning, He merely divided and arranged the sea and land that was already there. He did not create the sea at that time. Therefore, there is no way to know the age of the salt in the sea, which already existed in the beginning. Salt is the oldest "adult" who came from the largest country, the ocean. Yet, until it disappears, this older, dignified salt sacrifices itself completely for the ephemeral vegetables that have recently come out--vegetables that are only thirty to sixty days old--and whose lives are short in comparison. This selfless and holy salt truly possesses a holy love.
As "I AM," God who existed from eternal ages before, Jesus is the Lord of the universe, the huge kingdom of heaven. No one knows His age, no one brought Him forth; He is self-existent. Yet, He came down to this tiny earth and unstintingly sacrificed His life for foolish, ephemeral human beings who were like grass and vegetables, only thinking highly of themselves and acting proud and impudent. Jesus was truly the great, selfless Salt from heaven.
Jesus earnestly pleaded with His disciples not to be like the degenerated religions of the time, like the false Jewish religious groups of that time who had lost their salty flavor. It would be a waste of land just to bury them. He wanted His disciples to be salt to the world, just as He was. Jesus, who is the same yesterday and today, also appeals to us today. "[You are the salt of the earth.] Do not become like the corrupt religions that have lost their flavor, but become the last salt of this generation. Save those grass-like human beings and transform them into people who will never become corrupt," He says. This is His last request and our greatest mission on this earth.
Those who try to save others by becoming salt are blessed by becoming holy salt first. Just as salt is the only thing in this world that can transform vegetables, only those who possess the salty love of our heavenly Real Father can save and transform the people in this world. However, any religion that lacks the truth and the love of Heaven is like salt that has lost its flavor, and [is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men] (Mat. 5:13) and destroyed. This is what determines the fate of every single person, whether he (she) will enter eternal life or eternal death.
If we all just make a determination to be salt, almighty God will bear the responsibility of making us into holy salt of the universe. On the other hand, those who continue to clasp selfishness and greed instead of the salty flavor of that holy love will soon perish and become "human trash" for others to trample. They are not necessary in this universe any longer. However, those who become precious salt will disappear after unstintingly sacrificing themselves to transform ephemeral human beings who are like grass and vegetables. This is the life of a true disciple and follower of Jesus.

Salt, a Treasure of the Universe
Does the salt that sacrifices itself for others really disappear forever? No, it does not. The salt that dedicates its love, that is, its life, to transform a vegetable by entering deep into its constitution and stems remains alive inside the vegetables. Though people consume it, it does not disappear but remains alive in the blood and circulates throughout the body.
Neither humans nor vegetables can survive without salt. Our bodies cannot produce blood without salt (sodium). All animals and plants eat salt; the only difference is the amount each consumes. Salt is much more precious than gold or jewels, which people seem to value the most. It is indispensable, and it is the life of all creatures. For this reason, the entire universe and all the nations in this world welcome those who have the salty flavor of our heavenly Father's love. The earth has existed until now because of the few people who possessed the salty taste of God's love; the universe will exist forever because of such people. Just a few handfuls of salt will melt and transform a large pile or load of vegetables. In the same way, a small group of disciples can easily transform this large, wide world if they just become a mass of salt that possesses God's love.
No one would put flavorless salt in sacks and then store them in a warehouse. Likewise, people or religions that do not possess God's love are completely worthless in this world. They are useless in their families and in society, in heaven and on earth. Please do not become such pitiful people but become a lump of love like Jesus, a large mass of salt from heaven. This world only needs salt--holy, selfless love.

Sprinkle Your Whole Life with Salt
[No grain offering which you bring to the Lord shall be made with leaven, for you shall burn no leaven nor any honey in any offering to the Lord made by fire.] (Lev. 2:11)
[Every offering of your grain offering you shall season with salt; you shall not allow the salt of the covenant of your God to be lacking from your grain offering. With all your offerings, you shall offer salt.] (Lev. 2:13)
Here, our God explained how to perform a sacrifice properly and offer an offering He would joyfully accept. When placing bread on the sacrificial table as an offering to God, He instructed us to flavor it with salt, instead of any bean powder or honey, and to leaven it with nothing but salt. Who would eat a plate of bread covered with salt? However, God requested this kind of sacrificial offering.
At times, we have no idea what God is speaking of. However, those words are life to us. It is written in the Holy Bible that we are to consecrate ourselves as a living offering, meaning we are to devote our entire lives to Him. God does not want a calf, lamb, or bread offering, but our bodies and hearts. In addition, when offering our lives to Him, He tells us to never use any leaven or honey. He is telling us not to come before Him with the mind-corrupting leaven of sin or with sugarcoated or honey-glazed words. Many people are just smooth-talkers, their hearts full of the leaven of sin, and they talk with honey-glazed lips. However, everyone who goes before God must discard the leaven of sin in their heart and sweet-talk. They should devote their heart and life combined with the salty flavor of God's unchanging love.
Now that the work of redemption is completed and the time has come to enter the new world, everyone who is useless will be abandoned and only those children who are needed in the new world will be gathered. In other words, it is now time for the final harvest of the earth, when the chaff is burned and the grains are gathered and moved. The only grains that will survive this threshing floor are those that have become eternally incorruptible, unchanging salt. When God asks us to be salt, He is requesting us not to be vegetables that rot or degenerate but immortal Gods who will never degenerate.
He is saying, "If you are not salt, or if you become salt that loses its flavor, that is, if you degenerate and become flavorless salt like the rotten, corrupt religious world throughout history, then you too will be trampled on as ash." Though you may be Jesus' disciple, if you refuse to be salt, you will be trampled as ash, just like the evildoers. However, the disciples who have become salt will live eternally in the new world in the same house with Real Daddy and be the ones who live receiving all the glory and grace as the most precious, indispensable treasures of the universe.
Therefore, we must not go before the holy God covered with the leaven of sin or with lips coated with sugar or honey. We must be the same inside and out, just like salt, and go before Him with the salty love of our heavenly Father and His Son. Salt is the same inside and out, whether it is a small mass or a large mass the size of a rock; we must be like that as well.
Salt never disappears or ceases to exist. Though Jesus, who possesses a holy body and whose age is eternal, sacrificed His life early for vegetable-like humans, He still exists today. Salt continues to exist and remains in the stomach or is excreted from the body as urine. In other words, when He says, "Be salt," He is asking us to be those who possess everlasting, immortal life. While other things may die when put in water, disappear when thrown in a fire, or eternally disappear when consumed by someone, salt still exists even after being dissolved in water, burned in fire, consumed, or thrown away. Let us also try to become eternal, immortal, everlasting salt.

The Covenant of Salt
[All the heave offerings of the holy things, which the children of Israel offer to the Lord, I have given to you and your sons and daughters with you as an ordinance forever; it is a covenant of salt forever before the Lord with you and your descendants with you.] (Num. 18:19)
"When offering a sacrifice to Me, do not come before Me covered with the leaven of sin or with lips coated with sugar or honey, but come before Me as someone who is the same inside and out. I desire that kind of offering, an offering of your life. This is the immutable covenant of salt before the Lord for all your generations to come." This covenant of salt is God's promise to move those who have become eternal salt to the immortal world. God is telling us that He will only accept the offerings of those who make it their determination to first be eternally unchanging salt and transform the world like Jesus, who came as the great Salt, and move them to the new world.
As the last children of God, we should make the firm determination, "I will not live unless I become salt," and make a covenant of salt before our Real Daddy and Lord. If we do not become salt, we will be thrown away just like the salt that has lost its flavor. Judas was a disciple who failed to become salt, and people trampled on him for two thousand years. The remaining eleven disciples became salt, sacrificed themselves for the world, and obtained immortal life. Judas, however, became insoluble sand and died after living only for himself. Let us not fail in becoming salt like Judas, but instead become salt like the other eleven disciples and die gloriously for the world.
Though you are a heavenly prince or princess, please make this determination: "Wherever I go in this world, I will be salt and fade away after sacrificing myself for those pitiful vegetable-like people." Only those who keep this covenant of salt will become the eternal heirs to the new world; they will receive and enjoy the numerous blessings God has promised.
[Should you not know that the Lord God of Israel gave the dominion over Israel to David forever, to him and his sons, by a covenant of salt?] (2 Chr. 13:5) This is telling us that the Lord God of Israel, the true God, has promised to give the immortal, indestructible country to those who keep the covenant of salt with His son David (Jesus).
Only those who are salt will ultimately survive on this earth. In addition, if there is only salt on this earth, there can never be any bacteria of sin or mold of immorality. That is why the new world, heaven, will be free of decay and degeneration forever. This earth will be a happy, immortal world where there will never again be death or curses. If there can be no mold or bacteria in a load of vegetables after it is sprinkled with just a bowl of salt, the bacteria of sin and mold of immorality will never be able to form or exist on this earth, the eternal new world, since it will be completely filled with salt.
God will surely fulfill His plans. When we think about our own feebleness, we may worry, "My heart is so fickle, and my resolutions are broken just as easily as they are made. If someone like me were to enter the new world, will I not commit a sin and become corrupt again?" There is no need to worry about that at all. God's plan is perfect. When we look at ourselves, we may seem weak and feeble-minded, but God is the almighty Creator and our Daddy has power, for [with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.] (Mat. 19:26) God will take responsibility and recreate us into perfect salt. That is why there is no need to worry at all about becoming salt. Only pray, "God! I would really like to be salt. Please make me into salt." Then God will see your determination and make you into a great mass of salt, a mass of perfect salt--an eternally unchanging mass of Real Daddy's love. Do not look at your present, weak-willed self but believe in the almighty power of God who can perfect you and place yourself in Daddy's hands. Then He will recreate you into an eternally unchanging creation, a mass of salt and love.

Salt Placed I      n a New Bowl
[The men of the city said to Elisha, "Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren." He said, "Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it." So they brought it to him. Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, "Thus says the Lord: 'I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.'"] (2 Ki. 2:19-21)
The city was situated in a beautiful area, but bad, toxic water was coming out from the ground and the vegetables that absorbed it were withering and dying, and all the fruit on the fruit trees were falling off before becoming ripe. Elisha, a man of God, said, "Bring salt in an unused, brand-new bowl." Sweet spring water sprang from the source when he sprinkled salt on it. This is a prophecy to be fulfilled again in the last days of this earth, and it is already being fulfilled among us.
Before meeting our heavenly Real Daddy, our bodies (location) may have been fine and our outer appearance, our faces, may have looked nice, but the verbal toxic water (slander and curses) that came out from our mouths ruined ourselves as well as the tender "branches" of the hearts of our family and neighbors. It prevented us from blooming flowers of peace and bearing fruits of love. However, living water, the truth of love, flows from our mouth that was once the source of a poisonous spring when we are sprinkled with Real Daddy's salt of love, which was held in a new bowl brought by the Son of God. This living water causes my family and I to bear the fruit of love and happiness, and causes our neighbors to bear the fruit of peace.
We should discard the old "bowl" of our heart that the world defiled. Our hearts must become new "bowls" and new "fountainheads" in order to receive the heavenly salt of holy love. Then, we will become sources of living water that the entire world drinks from for eternal life--we will make the "heart-branches" of our families and all the human "trees" in the world bloom flowers of peace and happiness and bear fruits of divinity (God's divine nature).

If There Is No Salt
[Can flavorless food be eaten without salt?] (Job 6:6) This question asks us, "Can you eat food that lacks salt?"
I once went somewhere and had a delicious salad of mixed, wild greens. Even though the salad was prepared with organic, wild greens grown naturally without any chemical fertilizers, what would it have tasted like if the cook had not added any salt to it? It would have been as if I was chewing on compost or dried leaves. Salt made it taste so good. What happens if you make some soup without adding any salt? How would it taste? The soup would be bland and insipid. However, adding salt would make the soup delicious. According to the lunar calendar, January 15 is the first full moon of the New Year, and a holiday observed in Korea. On that day, Korean people traditionally eat "five-grain rice," glutinous rice boiled with four other cereals. It is considered to be much more delicious than plain steamed rice because it is prepared with salt. In any case, food that lacks salt does not taste as good and people may have difficulty eating it. However, adding salt makes the food delectable.
Therefore, God says, "Have you not tried all different kinds of foods? Whether there are ten or a hundred different kinds of foods, would you be able to eat them if there was no salt in them? Likewise, I cannot accept a meeting, service, or worship that lacks the salty flavor of love." Whatever you do, whether you hold meetings for the general public, converse or associate with you friends, date your fiance or fiancee[accents], converse with your parents or children, or have a get-together with your neighbors, you should do it with the salty love of our heavenly Father. If you include the salt of love in your associations and in your conversations and love life, it will not be a common love of this degenerate world, but a holy love that our heavenly Daddy will bless all the more, just as He has blessed Adam and Eve before the Fall.
 Just as salt should be in all the foods we cook and eat, we must never omit Real Daddy's love in anything we do and live before our heavenly Father sprinkling salt uniformly in our whole lives. Until now, we may have gossiped about others and talked about impertinent world events when meeting friends. However, from now on, please include our Heavenly Real Father's salty love wherever you go, whatever you talk about, and whomever you associate. Salt has a salty flavor wherever it goes, whether sprinkled on vegetables, in soup, or on salads. Since we have all become heavenly salt, from now on, let us only have our Real Daddy's salty flavor wherever He has us go. Salt is never sweet or sour, only salty. That salty flavor is the preservative that saves it and others. When we become salt that is only salty, we will be able to stop the degeneration and corruption of the world and possess the power that will easily change this sinful earth into a new world. Then, we will be Real Daddy's most precious sons and daughters in the universe and heirs to the new world, the new universe.
A certain king once called his subjects and asked them, "What is your favorite food? Whatever it is, it will be yours to eat everyday." Delighted, the subjects began to order: "I like beef stew the most." "I like barbecued ribs." "I like hamburgers or sandwiches the most." One subject even said, "I would like to eat bread and doughnuts everyday." However, one subject sat down quietly and then replied, "I will have salt." Puzzled, the king asked, "What? You would like salt? Why are you asking for salt?" The subject answered, "Your Highness, what food does not have salt in it? I would like to eat everything." The subject answered the question prudently. We each have a favorite dish. However, if we had to eat it all the time, we would grow tired of it. However, if we become salt, everyone will like us and follow us. If we become salt, we will enjoy the glory of people looking up to us, and we will become the most precious, indispensable treasures in the entire universe. Let us all be salt.
[Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.] (Col. 4:6)
This means, "Just as you [let your speech always be with grace] and [seasoned with salt,] always mix heaven's love with your speech. Then, you will be able to speak the words of life that will heal [each one] of the hurt souls."
[For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.] (Mat. 10:19, 20) God does not give the words necessary in that hour, the water of life, to those who gossip about others, talk about secular things, and do abominable everyday. He abundantly supplies the words of life to only those who possess the salty taste of heaven's love on their lips so that they can become food and strength for weary people and the medicine of the truth to comfort and heal hurt souls.

Have Peace with One Another with Salt
[Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another.] (Mark 9:50)
This means, "If you have fought with someone, take a handful of salt in your pocket and reconcile with him (her)." However, if you really were to go to someone you fought with and apologized with a handful of salt, then he (she) would think you were mocking him (her) and become even more upset. Jesus was not talking about the salt we eat. He meant, "Fill your heart with your heavenly Father's salty love and then go and reconcile with someone you fought with. Then all the dissatisfaction will be melted away."
Only those who understand Heaven's words can be prosperous in everything. Therefore, no one can understand or comprehend the Holy Bible without knowing God's love. Without knowing His love, even carrying around the Bible is offensive in the sight of Heaven.
As long as we fill our hearts with the salt of heavenly Real Daddy's love, we will be able to completely forgive, reconcile with, and love any brother, relative, neighbor, or country we have fought with.
It is written, "Every offering you shall season with salt," and "Sprinkle salt when entering an unclean place and it will be pure and holy." When He told us to sprinkle unclean places with salt to make it pure and holy, as if it were a disinfectant, He meant that He would sanctify any unclean sinner who receives God's salty love. How much holier we will be when we ourselves become masses of salt who possess our heavenly Daddy's love!
Some people criticize others by saying, "That man has believed in God for 20 years, but just look at him. He's still so proud and arrogant." "My husband has not changed at all." "My wife is still the same." Actually, they are still like that because the people who are criticizing them have not become salt yet. If they had already become salt, their family members or neighbors would have been salted and transformed into meek and humble people. The responsibility lies upon the person who is doing the criticizing. If you see someone who is not yet humble and swaggering about like an arrogant, stiff vegetable, you should repent, tell that person, "You are still like that because I am not salt yet. Please forgive me," become salt immediately, and transform your brethren and family.
Our heavenly Father and His Son will be with us only when we become salt. Then, we will be the most precious people in the universe, loved wherever we go, and welcomed by everyone. Moreover, we will be immortal Gods who will never rot, deteriorate, or die, even if our enemies try to kill us. To be salt is to be an everlasting child of God, that is, to be a God.
Jesus Christ tells us again today:
"Since the entire world has become salt that lost its flavor, you at least become salt. If you too will not be salt, then there is no one to save this world. This world will be destroyed and you, too, will be destroyed and trampled. Therefore, in order for you to live and the world to be saved, you must be salt. You must be salt!"
The State of the True Way

The state of the true way
Is to choose to die forever
And quietly vanish.

It is to supplicate in prayer
Before God to your last breath
For wretched humanity
So that they may enter and live
In the paradise of immortality.

In addition,
It is to not say a word
When meeting people.
This is the state of the true way.

The State of the False Way

Those who say that we should all live,
That we should all live eternally,
Are like greedy bandits
Who snatch precious treasures
To satisfy their greed to their hearts' content.

They are like a bunch of crooks
Looking to divide the loot.
They are not those who walk the state of the true way.

If they do not get what they believe is their fair share,
When their greed is not satisfied,
Their hidden, demonic natures erupt immediately,
And they harm the person next to them they normally called their brother
And lunge at God like Cain.

The state of the true way
Neither seeks for one's own profit
Nor think about one's own life in the least.

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